Page 16 of Centre Stage

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“Is everything okay here?”

Declan whirled round to see Charlie standing there looking at them with a worried expression and Declan realized they must have been shouting. He held up his hands in a way of apology as a car pulled into the car park and Andi shook her head, her eyes watery, and jumped into the back of the car, slamming the door shut.

“Are you okay?”

Declan laughed at the softness in Charlie’s tone. “I’m grand, Charlie. Go and make sure that Andi’s okay. She seemed upset.”

Charlie regarded him for a moment as if she was assessing him. She chewed on her bottom lip and then sighed. “She would kill me for interfering, but I think you’re a good man, Declan. It’s not my place to say but you hurt her, back then. And you continued to hurt her when she was already down. That’s why she bolted. She had a valid reason and I think it pains her that you can’t even remember what you said or did to kill whatever was happening between you. Because she certainly never forgot.”

Charlie rested a hand on his arm. “We never forget the ones who obliterated our hearts no matter how badass we get.”

The window on the car rolled down and Andi shouted for Charlie to hurry up and Charlie rolled her eyes as she headed toward the car, glancing over her shoulder with a rue smile before she got in and the car was gone a few seconds later.

Declan stood out in the frigid air and replayed what had just happened over in his mind but he was left with nothing. Up until he had been stood up, he had thought things between him and Andi were fine. Only a day before, he had almost kissed her, had almost given in to the urge he’d been fighting for months and he had decided that the night of the concert, he was going to confess all to Andi, even if it meant he and Rhys fell out.

“I think it pains her that you can’t even remember what you said or did to kill whatever was happening between you. Because she certainly never forgot.”

Hearing Charlie say the words, seeing the hurt on Andi’s made him determined to find out exactly what had been the catalyst that had caused the rift between them. He could be a stubborn SOB when he wanted to and Andi was going to reveal all to him, whether she liked it or not.
