Page 2 of Centre Stage

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That made Andi grin as she sipped her beer. “Darling, you have no idea. I am so ready to head home tomorrow and see you. That new intern spilled coffee all over the soccer star who just got called up to the first team for England and then insulted him by stating she never understood why professional footballers got paid so much to kick a damn ball. Fucking idiot.”

Charlie laughed so hard that it made Andi laugh as well, easing some of the tension in her stomach. Andi was about to ask Charlie if she was okay when Charlie said. “Andi, I’m about to pull up at the house. Are you sure you don’t want to stay here for the few days?”

While Andi was tempted, and tempted she definitely was, her little rental would do while she looked for a base in Ireland. Her mam and dad had been a little miffed that she wouldn’t stay with them but Andi said she would be coming and going at all hours so it was best she stayed elsewhere.

“Nah, girl, I’m all good.” She reassured her friend. “I think you’ll have enough on your plate being all boss bitch to he who shall not be named. I have the meeting with the boys from the band the record company want me to manage and that interview you wanted me to sit in on but we defo need pints afterward. See ya in a few days, biatch.”

They hung up and Andi sipped her beer, gazing out the window at Manchester illuminated by a vast array of lights and Andi wondered if it would be possible for her to go home and have her meeting in two days for the record company and manage to avoid seeing Declan at any cost.

It had taken six months of ignoring his calls, his texts, the voice notes he had left asking why she had blown him off and left him standing outside the gig by himself for Declan to get the hint and leave her alone. The only thing Andi could do was put an ocean between her and Declan to mend her broken heart.

But her feelings for Declan Walsh were long forgotten...

And that was one of the many lies Andi told herself.
