Page 23 of Centre Stage

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Declan shoved his hands into his pockets and sighed. “I didn’t mean to embarrass you, Andi. I wanted to talk to you, to try and clear the air. We have to work together and all this animosity isn’t good for the band.”

Ah so that was it...he was worried about how it was affecting the band. Andrea could solve that for him in an instant. “I’ll delegate any personal interaction with the band to a member of my team. You won’t have to see me again. there...problem solved.”

“That’s not what I meant and you know it...give me a fucking break, Andi.”

His words were growled, and strained, but his expression was crestfallen, like he didn’t know how he had messed up his big gesture so much but Andrea couldn’t continue to feel like she was on the cusp of breaking down.

Folding her arms across her chest, Andrea shrugged. “We obviously can’t work together so it makes sense to have someone as an intermediary. No point compromising the deal.”

Declan scowled as he scrubbed his hand down his face as he remarked in a snarky tone. “You really are a ballbuster, Andi. Fucking hell.”

“Seriously? Andi? Your ballbusting, take no prisoner’s sister?” Declan said with a whistle through his teeth. “Are you insane?”

Andrea recoiled like Declan had struck her. And there it was the tone and those exact words that had tilted her world on its axis once before but Andrea was no longer that lovestruck girl. She lost her composure, insecurities flooding through her. “Just go home, Declan. How did the boy I knew turn into such a horrible human being? Just because I’m assertive it threatens your manliness? Go fuck yourself, Declan. I’d never treat you this shitty.” Andrea turned round and headed back into the student centre as she called over her shoulder. “Just fucking leave me alone.”
