Page 25 of Centre Stage

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She froze at the sound of her name and slowly, turned to look at him.

“We need to talk about what happened in Manchester.”

“We really don’t.” she retorted with a snort.

“For fuck sake, Andi,” Declan shouted, throwing his hands up in the air. “Just tell me what the fuck I did and stop punishing me for something I don’t even know about. You owe me that at least.”

Andi pointed a finger at him, her lisp twisted into a snarl. “I owe you nothing. But fine, you want to know what you did? What you said? I’ll tell you.” Declan stood motionless, his heart stuttering as Andi told him why she had ghosted him.

“I heard you, you and Rhys. He asked you the day of the concert if something was going on between us and what was your response? You laughed, Declan. You laughed your head off at the thought that anything would happen between us because of course Rhys was insane to think you’d be interested in his ball-busting, take no prisoners sister. But sure, the concert ticket was free so what harm was it to go with poor, naïve Andi who was falling in-”

Andi clamped her lips shut as Declan wracked his memories for the conversation that she was referring to and then it hit him like a sledgehammer, the nervous way he had deflected Rhys's question knowing he deserved to tell Andi first how he felt about her and he was not about to let Rhys blurt it out and spoil the night.

Turns out Declan had done that all by himself.

He was about to apologize, about to tell Andi just what he had planned to say that night but Andi was already walking away from him and he knew now why she had been so upset in Manchester because he was such a massive asshole that he had used almost the exact same words but to her face this time.

When Declan finally snapped into action, he ran around the building but Andi was already in her car and driving out of the car park and Declan was powerless to do anything but watch her leave.
