Page 32 of Centre Stage

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Hours or minutes later, Andrea heard voices outside and then the door opened for a second before it was left slightly ajar, a sliver of light creeping through the darkened room.

“I dunno, Charlie. I’ve never seen her like this. It’s like she's just given up.”

“Do you need me to come back?” Her best friend asked, probably on a video call with JJ. “Declan called Noah in bits so it must be bad. I can get on the next flight home.”

Andrea loved her best friend for her willingness to drop everything to come to her but as she sat up in the bed, ready to tell Charlie she would be okay, she couldn’t bring herself to say the words, merely listened as JJ told Charlie that he would keep his eye on her and let her know if things got worse than they already were.

“Listen JJ, Declan asked Noah if I knew where you guys were staying and while Noah knows that I do, he lied and told Declan I had no clue. If he asks a paparazzi, they might tell him so be prepared in case he does rock up.”

“I don’t think we have to worry about that, Charlie. The paps know that if they spill my location to anyone, I’ll become less willing to pose for pictures and give them soundbites. I’ll keep our girl safe...even if I have no clue how to mend her broken heart.”

That made fresh tears burn her eyes and she tried to cry as quietly as possible but JJ heard her and came in to lay beside her on the best and simply brushed her hair as she cried, before telling her that he would give anything to stop her hurting.

Well, at least she wasn’t the only one who had no clue how to cease the heartache melody in her chest.
