Page 34 of Centre Stage

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Luna’s legs gave way and Declan and Rhys caught her as before she went down and Declan lifted her up on to the bar, letting Rhys embrace her as Jameson got the faraway look he got whenever he heard about car accidents so Declan squeezed his shoulder as he passed by to go up to Mick.

“You need me to sort flights, Mick? Anything I can do to help.”

Mick gripped his shoulder, and nodded. “You’re a good lad, Declan. A good lad.”

Declan didn’t know want else to say as Mick came over and took his daughter in his arms and the damn broke, with Luna’s pained sobs punching a hole in his gut. He strode over to Rhys, who was pale, himself and Luke firm friends as well, and held out his hand.

“Gimmie your phone.”

Rhys handed it over without question but his gaze narrowed when he saw him pull up Andi’s number and then he asked Declan what he was doing.

“We need flights to Oz asap and who else do we know who can make shit happen.”

Then he was dialing the number, his heart in his throat as he heard Andi answer the phone, her voice so sad he almost forgot why he had called. “Andi, it’s me...please don’t hang up. I need your help.”
