Page 4 of Centre Stage

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“Andrea Collins,” Tim Brett drawled, his eyes running over her a second time. “it’s so lovely to finally see you in person. You look as stunning as you do on TV.”

Andrea had been to a few premiers with JJ, a rising movie pin-up and it had gotten her more attention than the time she had run the gauntlet amid a soccer star scandal.

“It’s nice to meet you in person too.” Andrea lied her ass off because this guy had her future in his hands and if they landed this contract, it would be the first major deal for the Irish office of Rebel PR. “I’ve got loads of ideas and contacts so am ready to meet the band.”

Part of the deal was that Andrea had no idea who this shit hot band was until the big reveal and Andrea hated surprises. Tim held opened the door, steering her inside as he chatted away about how much Emerald Records was excited to have an Irish manager who would understand the homegrown talent and getting their album finished and marketed.

Andrea smiled and nodded as Tim led her up the elevator to the penthouse and as the door opened and she heard the faint strumming of a guitar and the clinking of glasses. Apparently, the band had decided to start the party early, and long before she had arrived.

“This partnership is going to put both Emerald Records and Rebel PR on the radar of all the right people. I think this will be the start of a beautiful relationship and we will all end up being one big happy family.”

Andrea gave Tim a faint smile as she stepped into the penthouse and her heart dropped to her stomach as the band turned around to look at her and all but one of the members looked shocked to see her.

But it was the man strumming the guitar that had anger igniting her veins as Declan Walsh, lead singer of Heartache Melody held her gaze and it was like she was seventeen all over again and her heart was being ripped from her chest.

Her douchebag brother grinned so wide she wanted to deck him. “Surprise!”

Andrea folded her arms across her chest, glaring at Declan as she said. “You have got to be fucking kidding me.”
