Page 6 of Centre Stage

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Rhys didn’t laugh in response, just sighed and replied. “Deco, she’s not coming mate.”

“What do you mean, Rhys? Where is she?”

“Listen, mate, I’m not getting in between it. Andi came home from school and just said she never wanted to speak to you again and that was the end of it. I’m sorry, Deco. I don’t have a clue what’s wrong.”

Declan hung up the phone, anger bubbling inside his chest as he typed out an angry message, telling Andi just how he felt and that if she couldn’t be bothered to show up or be upfront with him then she wasn’t the girl she thought.

But despite the anger in him, Declan erased the message and hailed a cab, heading for the party that the sixth class was having at Lauren Smyth’s house so he could drink himself to oblivion and forget about Andrea fucking Collins.

Her laughter now at something Jameson said to her irked him, he felt the muscle in his jaw tick as Andrea asked Jameson how opposed he was to a tasteful half-naked photoshoot. Luna grinned and said she was all in and when Rhys commented that he was happy to get naked, Andi rolled her eyes and snorted. “Everyone’s already seen your skinny ass before Rhys. No one’s gonna pay for that, bro.”

Rhys just laughed at his sister as Tim came in and asked was everything all right. Andi grinned and said that she was happy to manage the band and guaranteed that the album would be ready by the deadline even if she had to lock them all in the studio to get it finished.

Tim was barely out of the penthouse when Declan stalked toward Andi, unable to reign in his temper and he knew he’d need a sparring session with Noah soon. He grabbed Andi’s arm and growled. “We need to talk. Alone. Now!”
