Page 29 of Jenna's Submission

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Chapter 27

Jenna had spent the rest of the afternoon mentally preparing for whatever Colt had planned. She wasn’t just worried about herself, she had seen the terror in Rissa’s eyes and was worried the men would push her too far. Having been a victim herself, she well knew that a misspoken comment or overly familiar touch could send her into hiding for weeks and back to having nightmares for months. She’d wondered about talking to her brothers, letting them know her concerns, but had decided she’d see what was planned before making a decision about action. She didn’t want to betray Rissa’s confidence, if that’s what you would call her vague, mouthed words about safety, but she would if she felt it was in the other woman’s best interest. After she’d made inquiries this afternoon about returning to college to earn her counseling degree, she’d decided she would visit the school and talk to the instructors, but after what had happened earlier and her overwhelming desire to help Rissa work through whatever had happened, well, now she knew for sure this was the direction she wanted to go. There certainly wouldn’t be much money in her new career, but the rewards she’d reap by helping others would far outweigh the monetary loss. She’d still help with Lamont Oil when she could, but God knew she’d trained a number of employees that would be fantastic replacements for her, and most would be over the moon for the opportunity.

Jenna had been so lost in thought that she hadn’t heard the knock at the door. Mitch stuck his head in the room and saw Jenna pacing back and forth, and he could hear her muttering something about Lamont Oil and college.Damn, she must be really distracted to not hear my knock or the door open, not safe, Jenna, Colt is really going to be pissed if you don’t start taking some fucking interest in your personal safety.Mitch and Colt had decided to pick up each other’s women because they knew it would add to their apprehension and would also allow the men to more accurately assess Jenna’s and Rissa’s states of mind. Emotions could easily cloud a Dom’s judgment, and this was too important to take a risk. Both men knew the next couple of hours was going to be a make-or-break moment for both them and the girls. He was praying that the adjustments they had made to their planned scene would be enough. They hadn’t been able to get much information about Rissa, seems Sheriff Marshall wasn’t all that keen to share what he knew, but he was smart enough to know what they’d gotten was likely just the tip of a very nasty iceberg.

“Jenna, are you ready? Why didn’t you answer the door when I knocked?” Mitch had deliberately used his Dom voice, hoping to set the tone for the punishment she was going to receive. Her startled gasp and wide eyes told him that he’d startled her. Damn Colt was going to add swats for this, no doubt.

“Shit! You scared me! I didn’t hear you. I’ve been thinking and worrying a bit.” She’d started out angry at being startled, but she’d picked up his demeanor and was quickly sliding right into a sub mind-set. Perfect!Should have thought about this before you went prancing out of the spa and Club earlier, sweet cheeks, now your man is going to warm that pretty little ass of yours right up.

He turned to her and closed the door. “I’m going to inspect you to be sure you are properly attired before we go. Go to the bed and lean over it, move your feet shoulder-width apart.” She was wearing the very short andverysheer dress Colt had sent up to her room earlier, and God knew he didn’t have any trouble seeing that she didn’t have on a bra or panties, but the inspection wasn’t really about verifying that she’d worn the clothes she was supposed to, it was about establishing power and checking how wet she was so that they’d know if what happened from this point forward was arousing her or not. Women’s bodies were brutally honest even when their words or expressions attempted to camouflage their real feelings. He also had a nice little bullet vibrator, a small butt plug, and a tube of lube in his pocket, she was going to get a taste of how it felt to take a stroll with her pussy aching with need. Oh yeah, the remote control was going to let him give sweet Jenna a few “Oh shit” moments on the way to The Club. He would hand it over to Colt when they met in the main room of The Club. Almost every member of the security team was going to witness her punishment, they were owed this for the reaming they’d taken for letting Jenna and Rissa just walk right past them. He and Colt were still steaming about that, and the Lamonts had nearly come apart at the seams when they’d heard about the huge lapse in security.

Jenna’s brothers had no desire to see their sister stripped naked and punished publically and had put some pretty heavy restrictions in place, but they had ultimately agreed that her Dom should be allowed to punish her in a way he thought appropriate. She wouldn’t be sitting comfortably for a few days, but then neither would Rissa.

When Jenna had bent over, he walked over and flipped up her skirt, exposing her bare ass, he ran his fingers through her folds and found they were moistening quickly.Yes, Colt’s little warrior pixie is a true submissive.Reaching into his pocket, he withdrew the lube. After applying a generous amount to both her puckered rear hole and his fingers, he began rimming her, and then slowly pushed in two fingers at the same time. He heard her gasp and watched as she clutched the duvet in her fists at the same time she moaned and pushed back into him. “You’re doing fine, sweetness. I’m going to put a plug in your ass now, relax and press back into it.” He felt the rush of moisture from her pussy slide onto his fingers, God, she was so very responsive. “Good girl, almost there.” He continued to fuck her ass with the plug, gaining ground with each stroke. It was a much larger plug than they had used last time, but still wasn’t a large as Colt’s cock. They had wanted her stretched but not so that she was completely prepared. That pinch of pain during the scene was going to be a part of her punishment, and she would know it soon enough. Finally seating the plug all the way, he could visibly see the muscles of her ass flexing. He slowly massaged her ass, then slid his fingers between her thighs and pressed the bullet vibrator deep into her vaginal opening using his long, slender middle finger to be sure it was up against her G-spot.Oh, sweetheart, you are in for a ride.Laughing to himself, he made sure his features were impassive before pulling her back to her feet.

Jenna felt unsteady when Mitch pulled her back to her feet. She wasn’t sure if it was from standing so quickly or because of sensation overload. Holy shit, she felt so full, how on earth was she supposed to walk with these things stuck up her privates?Holy crap, what have I gotten myself into? This is just over-the-top, I can’t do this.Just as she was about to tell Mitch that she’d changed her mind, something inside of her started to vibrate, and she heard a strange animalistic noise. Just as it registered in her mind that the sound had come from her, she felt her knees buckle.

Mitch had already put his hand on her arm to steady her when she’d stood up and swayed precariously, so he wasn’t at all surprised when he switched on the bullet that her knees had gone out from under her. Her eyes had practically rolled back in her head. He’d been listening to her thoughts all the time he’d been in the room, and they had been scattered. They’d raced from concern for her new friend, Rissa, to worry about letting Colt down in front of his men, to fear that she wasn’t going to be brave enough to face the punishment, to a complete whiteout from sensation. He found it interesting that she hadn’t once thought about the pain.

“Whoa, steady now. Take a couple of deep breaths, you’re doing fine. Just so you know, that is the lowest setting, and you will be experiencing the higher settings before we are done playing. Now, let’s get moving, your Master is waiting.” He wasn’t going to tell her that Rissa would not be participating in this scene. He would be meting out her punishment in private. Dylan Marshall had been adamant that even though he wasn’t willing to share all the details, public punishment was absolutely not going to happen. He had come clear out of his chair, and the man who was renowned in The Club as being even more detached than Alex Lamont had nearly become a raving lunatic until he realized that everyone was simply staring at him, bewildered.

As Mitch started for the door, he pointed at her feet. “Lose the shoes, those weren’t delivered to you this afternoon. You’ll be getting extra strokes for that infraction also. Now come along.” Jenna quickly toed off her fuck-me stilettos and hurried to walk through the door he was holding open. While he closed the door behind them, she took a deep breath, and he had to suppress a smile when he heard her quoting a children’s book he’d read to his four-year-old niece just last week.I think I can, I think I can, I think I can…
