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“Did you bring me in here to push boundaries, or do we have a legitimate reason to be having dinner together in your office?”


She shakes her head, but she doesn’t get up.

Dinner is good. I grab us a couple bottled waters from my mini-fridge and steer the conversation back to work topics. Selene relaxes, and we discuss some of the issues the sales team has been having. She has a lot of good ideas, and I’m impressed with how much she knows about the other departments.

We talk for a long time after we finish eating. I’m not sure what time it is, but I don’t want to call attention to the fact that it’s late by checking. Selene vents about how difficult it was to work with Brad over the last year, and I talk about my decision making process in buying VI. She asks a lot of questions, and I can tell she’s trying to figure me out—understand my motivations.

Her passion for her work shows. It’s clear to me that Brad was underutilizing her talents. She knows this business intimately, and she cares about what she’s doing. That’s a rare thing in an employee.

As much as I want to fuck Selene until she screams my name, I also know I’m walking a very fine line with her. She’s not just a random piece of ass. She’s so much more, and as I talk to her I feel a twinge of something I haven’t felt in many years: Fear. It’s such an unfamiliar sensation, but the novelty makes it intriguing. I’ve jumped out of airplanes hundreds of times and never once have I been afraid. It isn’t that I don’t understand the risks. It’s that risks don’t scare me. If it’s my time to go, there’s nothing I can do to stop it, so I might as well live hard while I’m here. I realize I’m not normal in that respect—and I wasn’t always this way—but I have my reasons.

Why do I feel this foreign emotion when I look at this woman? What is it about her that scares me? I’m insanely attracted to her—more than I’ve felt for anyone in a very long time. Is that all it is? The fact that I’m willing to swear off other women just so I’m available for her, and so she stays available to me?

I’m not sure. I’m putting on a good front, like I have her all figured out, but the truth is, she’s bringing something out in me I thought I buried a long time ago. And I’m not sure how I feel about that.

Selene picks up her phone and her eyebrows lift. “It’s after eight.”

“Is it really?” I grab my phone and check the time. She’s right. We’ve been talking for almost three hours. I knew time was passing, but I had no idea it was that long.

“Sorry,” she says. “You probably had things to do tonight, and here I am talking your ear off.”

“Not at all,” I say. “This is why I invited you in here.”

She smiles as she gets up. “And I thought you were just trying to get past my rules.”

I stand and walk toward the door with her. “Oh, I am. And I will. You can be sure of that.”

She stops at the door, her hand on the knob. I love how she’s tall enough to look me right in the eyes.

“No, you won’t, Ronan. I won’t make that mistake again.”

A flash of anger runs through me. Mistake? The words Fuck you, then are on the tip of my tongue, but I stop. I know in an instant that if I lash out at her now, we won’t recover. Ever.

I step closer, invading her personal space. She stands her ground, holding my gaze. The hit of anger makes me want to be aggressive. I reach out and put my hand in her hair, running my fingers through the dark silky strands. I grab it at the base of her neck, just hard enough that I have her in my control.

“It won’t be a mistake the second time.”

Her eyes widen and her lips part. I’m so close to kissing her. If she so much as touches her tongue to her lips, I won’t be able to resist.

But now isn’t the time. I let go of her hair and brush it back behind her shoulder.

“Thanks for joining me for dinner,” I say and step away.

She takes a deep breath, and her breasts strain against her dress. “Goodnight, Ronan.” She leaves and shuts the door behind her.

I rub my hands up and down my face. Fuck, I’m so hard my dick aches. I wanted to drag her across my office by her hair and bend her over the side of my desk. She has no idea how much self-control it took to let her walk away.

I head straight for the private bathroom, glad it has a shower. I need to get off, now, or I’m going to go nuts. Jacking off isn’t going to do much more than take the edge off, but right now the edge is fucking sharp. My Selene fantasies are going to have to do, until I can get my hands on the real thing.
