Page 22 of Obsession

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Sharon playfully swatted at his arm while shaking her head. We all broke out laughing at his antics. Leave it to Baby to quote a 90s romcom to break the ice. The man was insane.

“Look, babe, I think we should take things as they come. Since this is new to all of us, we can make it what we want it to be. There’s no need to put societal constraints on something so beautiful. Let’s just lay out some basic rules for now. Okay?”

They both nodded their heads in agreement. I was starting to think we were going to be sitting with our thumbs up our asses when Sharon spoke up about the rules she would like to see in place. It made me smile because I realized she must have been thinking of this for quite some time. These rules took time and attention. They were not off the top of her head.

“Okay, guys, before we can move forward, can we agree on these basic rules, and we can just add more as the issues present themselves? In order for me to be in a situation with two men, I need you both to be exclusive to me. There will be no getting your dicks wet unless I am involved. No more Sweet Lips. No more women in general. I will, of course agree not to see any other men. I need to be a claimed woman. And everyone needs to know you are claimed. Can you both live with that?”

“I can absolutely do that. You are all the woman I want, Sharon.”

I had no problem agreeing to her terms. We both looked to Baby to see his reaction. He stood there with the biggest smirk on his face.

“Before I agree like some lovesick fool, no offense, Matrix, I need to know how often my dick is getting wet. I mean, I will have to share you with this bastard, and I have a very high sex drive. I’m not about to be out here waiting in line for pussy.”

“That is a fair question. I refuse to put a number on it. It takes away from the spontaneity. I like passionate sex. There is never an instance where I will be scheduling dick on a calendar. I say, come get what you want. If I am not in the fucking mood, you will have to deal, just like with any other woman. However, I will let you in on a little secret. I have yet to experience a time where I turned down good dick. Not even when its shark week.”

“Damn, woman. You’re nasty, but I can’t say I would turn down your pussy, even if it is bleeding.”

“Baby, how would you know? Either of you? You both are talking about committing to me. Claiming me as your ole lady, but neither of you have even tasted the rainbow. Before we make this thing permanent, we need to have sex and lots of it.”

“Well hell, darlin’. Now you’re speaking my language. That I will commit to,” Baby chimed.

Alright, I am so down with this, but how’s it going to work? One at a time would be best for me to gauge what I like from each of you. Then maybe if we are still vibing, I’ll let you both take me at the same time.”

Fuck! My cock stiffened immediately, leaving me a bit lightheaded from the rush of blood from one head to the other. Baby and I followed Sharon into her bedroom like two lambs to slaughter. I knew she could have anything she wanted from me as long as she let me taste her sweet pussy. I was just about salivating as I watched her sway that ample ass toward her bed. If it came down to it, I would punch Baby in the dick to get the chance to get to her first. The need to be with her was so overwhelming.

“What the fuck is that?”

Baby’s outburst tore my eyes away from that fat ass of Sharon’s. Looking at the wall where he was pointing, I stood shocked and staring. There on the back wall near her en-suite bathroom was a library of dildos, vibrators and sex toys. Oh my! She had a little cubby area in the wall where most people would store books and knick-knacks. Not my woman. Oh no. Sharon had an extensive collection of pleasure products of all shapes and sizes. Wait, is that a dragon dick? Wow! I was looking forward to using some of those items on her in the near future.

The song Super Freak started playing in my head, and I chuckled a bit. As if the bastard could read my mind, Baby started with one of his stupid song and dance routines that made us all laugh.

“She’s a very kinky girl...”

He continued singing and pumping his hips seductively. Well as seductive as a man in heat could be. He needed to stop clowning. I wanted Sharon in the mood to fuck, not laugh. Since nobody else was making any moves, I stepped to her and spun her around to face me. Pulling her in my arms, I planted a kiss on those plump lips. Mmm. She tasted like lemonade on a hot summer day.
