Page 29 of Obsession

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“Let’s get Intimate.”

“There is only one path to intimacy, and it is through vulnerability.” – Andrea Miller

Things with the MChad gotten a little disconcerting over the last few months. First Ace had some calls from his stepsister asking for a meeting, then he received word that there was an active threat to the MC in the form of a rival biker gang, and then the women had one of their students stalked by some crazy man that we were unable to find. With all that was happening, it was difficult to find time to cultivate our budding relationship with Sharon.

I had done my thing to track the stalker, and I was able to identify him. The only problem was, he was like a ghost. Everybody we talked to knew about him, but no one had actually ever met the man. No one knew where he hung out or where he lived. The addresses he had been using were false. One was an abandoned warehouse out at the docks. As we chased him, it was like being sent on a wild goose chase. If it hadn’t been for the video surveillance at the studio, I would have sworn he was a figment of the girl’s imagination. The good thing was, he hadn’t shown back up at the studio. If he had, we would have captured his ass and found out what he was up to.

We had been on high alert for the last couple of months. Though nothing had happened that would garner a lockdown, I could sense one on the horizon. Baby and I had been assigned opposite shifts. First, we needed to protect our club president. He had been reluctant to tell Mouse, but Ace had been receiving death threats, the source for which was easy to determine.

The notorious biker gang, The Lords of Death, had been trying to move into our territory to help facilitate their sex trafficking ring. With all the missing women in the area, there was no doubt they had been here longer than we realized. Though the Predators were not one of those 1%ers, we weren’t above getting our hands dirty if it meant saving lives of the women and children of our community. It was the reason Ace was facing those threats. He had gone up against the leader of the gang, a tall fucker who called himself King Pen who stood at an intimidating 7’2”. His ass didn’t stand a chance against our prez. Ace destroyed him. The man, though big in size, was slow in action. He got his ass handed to him on video in front of his gang.

After their epic battle, I circulated a meme on the web clowning him. It had his picture and said, ‘If the bigger they are the harder they fall was a person.’ That shit went viral with over 100,000 hits. People were going crazy over it. When Baby took to Tik Tok and made a funny challenge about knocking the man’s head off, his shit exploded. He earned at least 200k new followers and had 5.9 million likes. It was awesome for us but embarrassing for him. Now the fucker is all butthurt and wants revenge on the club.

That was the main reason I was surviving on three hours of sleep per day. Ace demanded that I take today off, and my girl, Sharon, worked half a day so we could spend time together. I slept most of the morning into noon. When Sharon rolled up in her apartment, she woke me with her mouth. My girl had a glorious mouth.

The way she doted on my dick was out of this world. She was really taken with my piercings and made sure to put extra effort into the blow jobs she gifted me with. I thought I was floating in the dream world as I felt her hot wet mouth engulf my length.

“Fuck, Sharon! Don’t stop, darlin’. Your mouth is amazing.”

I placed my hand on her head, but only let it rest there. She didn’t need my rough ass to guide her. She was very well versed in Cockology 101. In fact, she could have written the lesson plan. She definitely was a subject matter expert. The way she let my head hit the back of her throat as she continued licking and sucking my length made my balls draw up.

“Darlin’, you’re just too damn good. I’m about to come.”

The woman doubled down and snatched the life out of me. I literally saw my soul leave out of my cock and float around the room. Thankfully it wasn’t my time to go because it found its way back into my body after I stopped panting.

“Fuck, darlin’, that was the best way I have ever been awakened. Are you in need? Give me about ten minutes, and I got you. As a matter of fact, why don’t you climb that fine ass of yours up here on my face and let me entertain you until the ladder is ready for you to climb.”

I adjusted the pillows under my head and laid back excited for my meal. She hesitated, and I growled at her.

“What the fuck, Sharon? You got me hungry, now feed me, woman. Wrap those thighs around my head and let me feast.”

“I’m too big to sit on your face. I might suffocate you. What if I just hover?”

I reached down and smacked her on the ass. “Put your pussy on my face right Got damn now. If I die, I die, but I promise to hang in there until you get your orgasm.”

My woman sat on my face and smothered me with those luscious thick thighs, and I was in nasty boy heaven. There was something about not being able to breathe and lighting her body on fire at the same time, that turn me all the way on. I guess face sitting is the new autoerotic asphyxiation. I licked and sucked her clit until she squirmed out of her skin. It felt like she was writing her name on my face with her juices.

I gripped those big hips and shook my head between those lips giving her a labia motorboat. Sharon giggled and laughed as she tried to pull away. I held her in place as I continued to explore her folds with my mouth. It didn’t take long for her to tip over the mountain and spray me with her waterfall. It was glorious. We made love after that, and once we were sated, we took a nap.

After we were rested, we showered and got back into bed once I changed the sheets. I sat with my back against the headboard and Sharon sitting in my lap. She nuzzled against my chest as I read from one of her romance novels that she loved. We talked and laughed and snuggled all day, happy to just be with each other. I was surprised when she told me about her family. The subject had come up before, but she always found a way to avoid having the conversation. After reading the novel together, she let it something slip that she couldn’t take back.

“The father in that book reminds me so much of my dad. A rich, pompous asshole who cared more about how he looked in front of his colleagues than earning the love of his daughter.”

“What do you mean, Sharon? What did he do to you? Was he abusive?”

“No, not physically, but mentally, yes. He was manipulative and withheld his love if I didn’t do what he wanted. It worked when I was younger, but as I got older and wiser, his tactics stopped working. I found myself rebelling against him. He wanted me to hang out with the rich kids at school, so I did. There was this boy named Kevin who was the son of my dad’s mentor. The two of them had it in their heads that Kevin and I should date.”

“Am I going to like where this is going?”

“Probably not. I don’t. So anyway, Kevin and I went out on a date. I was thirteen at the time, and he was sixteen. I thought he was so cute and because he was older, I was placed on a pedestal by my classmates. Well, Kevin turned out to be a class A jerk. Let’s just say, he forced me into having sex with him.”

“He raped you?”

“It’s more complicated than that. We were on a date, and my dad expected me to make him happy. I didn’t want to have sex and even told him that I was a virgin. It didn’t seem to matter. He wanted what he wanted. I didn’t fight or scream for help, but I didn’t want it. I just laid there and let him. I cried during the seven minutes and forty-five seconds that he thrust inside of me. I timed it because I needed to do something with my mind. My dad had given me this digital watch, and I watched the numbers change. Once he was done, I realized that he didn’t even use a condom.

“I was devastated when I returned home. My clothes were a mess, my hair was disheveled, and all my parents did was smile at Kevin. My dad actually shook his hand and invited him to his study to talk sports. I ran upstairs and took the hottest bath I could stand and cried my eyes out. My mom told me sometimes women had to do things to make sure our future was looked after. I never looked at my parents the same after that.”

“What the hell? So your parents set you up? Is that what you’re telling me, Sharon?”

“I have no doubt they thought they were doing something to benefit the family, but it was damaging to me. A couple of months later I found out I was pregnant. When I told my mom, she dragged me to the clinic and forced me to have an abortion. The joke was on her though because the baby survived the procedure, and the doctors refused to do it again. I had the baby, and they forced me to give it up for adoption. My older cousin was married and couldn’t get pregnant. She and her husband took the baby. I was too distraught to sit back and watch her raise my child, so I left. Ran away to New York and never went back. There is a hole inside of me that can never be filled until I reunite with her.”

I was floored at her confession. There I was thinking my issues with PTSD were overwhelming, but I didn’t have to deal with anything close to what my girl was suffering from. I vowed then and there that if it would allow her to get closure, I would utilize my hacking skills to find her daughter and maybe get to know her, once and for all.
