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“I don’t think so,” Haldor says looking at me with a suspicious look on his face, “why the sudden curiosity?”

“They did save my life, didn’t they?” I grunt not wanting to explain that something extraordinary happened to me while I was captured. Haldor nods glancing at me before looking away, there is a haunted look in his eyes, a look that wasn’t there before.

“How has everything been since I have been gone?” I ask closing my eyes as I lean my head back trying to ease the pain that is shooting up my back.

“Tense,” he replies, “we have been looking for you, trying to figure out how they got you without anyone realizing. Tor has been raving, fuck, I was ready to shoot him at one stage.” I can imagine, Tor isn’t one to take it lightly when being confronted, I can also imagine how volatile it has been at the club with Draco and Tor in the same building for several days.

For now, I just want to get back, rest for a couple of hours so I can heal and then see if Draco’s men find anything useful that we can use to understand what they are trying to accomplish. We know that they trying to figure out a way of acquiring our powers, but the question is why. Why would they want so many men with extraordinary powers? I also want to find out more about this woman Violet, and what she did to make me feel the peace that I felt.

I know that the other women when working together can bring a Keres to a state of peace, that is how they manage to change them back into Elementals, but that was more than just peace. I felt a completeness within me that can’t be explained. I need to see her; I need to ask her what she did. I feel like I’m addicted to something about her, but I don’t even know her.

The light outside is hurting my eyes, but after being in the dark for such a long time I don’t mind the extra pain. The vivid colours of the trees as we turn into the MC compound a couple of hours after being rescued is a welcoming sight. Besides the initial conversation when I was first rescued, Haldor has maintained his silence, I dozed for a while but most of that time I have been awake trying to remember anything I can from my capture.

Haldor brings the SUV to a stop in the front of the clubhouse, I see Bjarni and Garth stepping outside. They are two giants; Garth is part of the Cape Town chapter and Bjarni is part of the Natura Valley chapter, but they have been friends for as long as I can remember. Freya, Esmeralda and Siena are also standing outside. I still remember when Ulrich first mated, we were all apprehensive as everything was going to change within the club. We were right, but not as we expected, as we were all expecting to hate the fact that things would change and we wouldn’t run the wildlife we had been running until then, but to all our surprise we have integrated into the fact that the women are stronger than us in so many ways, that they are courageous and face the danger that this life brings head on.

There are times when I am envious of the mated men, times like today where I wish there was a woman waiting for me. Taking in a deep breath I step out of the SUV grunting as the pain intensifies.

“Welcome back brother,” Garth says as he slides his arm around my waist to support my weight.

“Fuck it’s good to see you Tal” Bjarni says as we walk past, “where are the others?” he asks Haldor

“Tor and some of the men are right behind us, the others are going through the hole where Tal was held to see if they can find anything that will help us.” Haldor replies as he steps around Garth and me and starts walking away.

“You can run but you can’t hide!” Bjarni says after Haldor that lifts his hand to show Bjarni the finger not slowing his pace. Even though Bjarni and the others aren’t part of our chapter we all know each other well, fighting next to each other through the centuries. Everyone is worried about Haldor; he is heading for destruction and none of us want to lose a brother. I know that if he doesn’t come right soon, Tor will send him to Draco where their women will be able to somehow bring peace to Haldor’s soul. It still blows my mind when I think of everything that has happened in the last decade. When we first heard that there was a cure for us Elemental’s, a cure that would save us from darkness, save us from becoming Keres we were all sceptical.

We started to see the results and finally believed that after so many centuries the Elementals were saved. Then we realised that what was saving us was the power of the women in Draco’s chapter. None of us know how they do it, but what we do know is that when any of us starts to turn they are there to steer us into the light again.

All the Elementals that find their mate have found women that have specific powers, usually those powers enhance with mating, and they become stronger as do the Elementals. When I was younger, I always thought that mating didn’t sound all that great as the woman you mate with makes you vulnerable. Once we bond our energy is entwined which means that if one dies, then the other one will soon follow.

The brothers that have mated say that they become more in tune with their mates as time goes on. I don’t know what it was that I felt when I was locked up, if it was a trick that they were playing on me or if it was something else, but whatever it was it made my heart race and my hopes rise thinking that maybe I had found that which most of us never find.

Walking into my room I stop, there is a slight fragrance here that I have never smelled before. The fragrance is like a spring morning when the flowers are all blooming in a field. I take in a deep breath and immediately everything in me stills. “Has anyone been in my room?” I ask looking at Garth.

“Yeah, Zane and Eirik were here.” He states looking around at the room with a raised brow as if looking for something that might be out of place. I frown as I doubt Zane and Eirik would emit this fragrance.

“Why, is something missing?” he asks

“There is a fragrance that I have never smelled before, can’t you smell it?” at my question Garth inclines his head as he takes in a breath, a minute later he shrugs. “What exactly am I smelling Bro, there are various scents here.” I shake my head in dismissal

“Oh, and the woman was also in here.” He suddenly says with a nod, “forgot about her as I only saw her when she first arrived.” Everything within me tensed. These senses I’m getting must be coming from her, there is no other explanation.

“What’s her name?” I see Garth glance at me suspiciously as I sit on the bed, and he steps back.

“Violet,” Garth says raising his hand to scratch his unshaven jaw. “I think that’s the name Zane said when he introduced her.” I nod as I stretch out on the bed closing my eyes in relief.

“I didn’t expect it to be Zane to come to the rescue,” I murmur as I feel sleep starting to drag me down, I fight it as I would like nothing more than to meet the woman that helped save me and that has such an impact on my senses. I need to know what kind of gift she possesses to be able to touch me in such a deep level.

“Trust me when I say it wasn’t most of the brothers first option, but we were desperate to find you before those fuckers could hurt you, looks like we were a bit late with that.” Garth mutters the last in an angry rasp.

“I just need some rest to recuperate, and I’ll be fine.” I say just as I feel the air shift and an energy approach. “Are all Draco’s men here?” I ask opening my eyes just as Bion walks in.

“Not all, but most.” Bion replies as he walks in. “We can’t leave one of ours out there in the hands of those sons of bitches.” He walks over to the side of the bed and takes a seat next to me inclining his head as he looks at me. I know that he’s listening to my heart and whatever else he listens to when healing.

“You need to rest; your breathing indicates that you have a couple of banged up ribs.” He stretches out his arm to start examining me. I know that most of the injuries are bruises from the beatings and scars of the tests they did on me, but I don’t think there is anything major.

“There seems to be nothing major that won’t heal with rest.” Bion says as he sits back just as Zane and Tor walk in.

“How is he?” Tor asks as he walks in to come and stand at the bottom of the bed.
