Page 13 of Steamy Biker Daddy

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Addie tasted even better than I thought. Her kiss had been so sweet. She had been shy and her lips were a little clumsy, but that somehow made it all the more appealing. Even better was when she sighed and called me Daddy. I could get addicted to her calling me that.

Just a simple kiss was enough to make my cock hard, but I resisted the temptation to start undressing her and using her for my own desire.

I had just taken her first kiss, after all. I couldn’t move too fast or she would definitely be hurt.

I held her in my arms for a long time after the kiss. It felt so good having her body curled up against mine. I rubbed her back and felt her relax against me. I didn’t know why she trusted me, but I was going to do everything in my power to keep from betraying her trust. I only hoped it would be enough.

I wished I knew what was happening outside of the safe house. I hadn’t dared check the news again. It would make me sick to see all the theories and rumors about what I was doing to Addie. I could guess at them. People would be calling me a sick old pervert using her for my own pleasure. Unfortunately, it wasn’t that far from the truth.

I only hoped Chase was talking with the Demons to get them to lay off Addie. She couldn’t stay trapped here with me for the rest of her life. Eventually, she would have to go back to her regular life.

I only hoped it wasn’t as bleak as it sounded.

Addie’s eyes drifted shut as I held her. It was really peaceful. So peaceful, neither of us noticed her phone vibrate for a few seconds. Then she stirred and pulled it out of her pocket. “It’s Jonathan,” she said. “I should take this.”

“Do you want me to give you some privacy?” I asked.

“No, that’s not necessary.” She smiled shyly. “I appreciate the offer, though.”

I had a feeling she wasn’t used to people giving her privacy.

She answered the phone. “What did you find out?”

Even though the phone wasn’t on speaker, I could hear Jonathan’s voice faintly over the phone.

“I talked to Mom and Dad and they’re really concerned you got kidnapped for real. Luke wasn’t part of the plan.”

“Yeah, I know,” she said. “But he didn’t kidnap me.”

“They’re not so sure. And now they’ve got a note for a ransom from him. Two million dollars. He’s a real prince charming, Addie.”

On a hunch, I went online and checked the news. Sure enough, all of the local papers were reporting on a ransom note. And there were a lot of links to a donation fund to raise the money for the non-existent ransom.

She rolled her eyes. “That’s impossible. He’s been with me the whole time. He never would have been able to issue a ransom note.”

“Are you sure? Maybe you weren’t paying attention.”

I could feel my anger rising as I listened to this exchange. Did her family members usually casually insult her like this? I had a feeling I didn’t want to know the answer to that.

“I need to talk to Mom and Dad,” Addie said. “Now.”

“They can’t talk to you right now. If people find out you talked to them on the phone when you were supposed to be kidnapped, then they’ll lose everything.”

“If you don’t want me to go full Patty Hearst when I get out of here, you’ll put them on.” Her voice was laced with the anger I had never heard from her before. I couldn’t help but feel a rush of pride. I was happy she was finally standing up for herself.

There was a pause on the other end and then I heard a different voice. “Addie, honey? I need you to behave, okay?”

“Don’t tell me to behave, Mom. You need to tell me what’s really going on. I know you didn’t hire actors to come after me. Why didn’t you tell me about this?”

“We must have. You probably just forgot. You’re always forgetting things.”

Addie rubbed her face, looking suddenly exhausted. I started to rub circles on her back, wanting to comfort her as much as I possibly could. “Just tell me what you did.”

“Oh, so this is my fault now?”
