Page 31 of The Man Next Door

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Right now, I don’t want to bring the mood down by discussing my past in the military or any of the horrible things I did. Nope, I just want to feel her soft skin against mine, holding her in my arms, and enjoying the bliss.

We don’t have work tomorrow, so maybe I can take her out on an official date, somewhere nice. If we are going to be a couple, then a first date is a must. The best thing about it; we won’t have to worry about the awkwardness of a first date, even though I’m sure there are plenty we still don’t know about each other. I like to find out things progressively, instead of all at once.

This is new territory for me, and all I can hope is that I don’t fuck it up. Having her here in my arms feels perfect and makes me think maybe I should have given in weeks ago to the obvious attraction building between us.

* * *

Wakingup with her in my arms is new, but refreshing.

“I didn’t think we’d be sleeping over so soon. Not that I’m complaining,” I say, stretching to get out of bed. As I do, a surge of pain races up my leg.

“What’s wrong?” Her hand lands on my thigh.

“I didn’t take my prosthetic off and now it’s sore. No big deal, I can handle it. Just might spend some time in bed today.” I take it off, and sit it down next to the bed.

“You don’t have to keep that on for me. I told you it doesn’t bother me.”

It might not bother her, but it’s still something I have to get used to-- having it off around people. My own parents haven’t seen me without my prosthetic. Yes, I know. Stop being a baby about it, but it makes me feel like less of a man. It’s stupid, but it does. “I know, you’ve told me that. I just have to adjust. Give me time.”

We both lay back down, snuggling for another thirty minutes or so, just enjoying being in a comfortable bed, and not stuck at work. The newness of this relationship is settling in, and it is obvious we won’t be taking this slowly. On the first day, we had sex, did our first social outing, and slept over. We really love to pack things fast in one go.

“Okay, enough bedtime. I’m starving,” Laurel says, sitting up and shifting to the side of the bed. “I’ll make something and bring you a plate.”

She throws me the tv remote and takes off toward the kitchen with her ass looking utterly magnificent. I turn on the tv and find nothing decent to watch, so settle for Law and Order reruns.

This show isn’t half bad, but I can’t watch too many of them in a row. Who wants to be reminded of all the horrible things that happen to people, especially women and children? My favorite thing to do is watch documentaries, and think about putting on a true crime documentary instead. However, then I think about the fact that soon we will be eating, and that’s probably not the best thing to watch while eating. So, I start flipping through the channels for something else.

“Here you go. Went simple. Bacon and scrambled eggs.” Laurel walks in and sets a plate down on my lap before crawling back into bed next to me. “What are you watching?”

“Haven’t found anything yet. Got a preference?”

“Honestly, I usually watch home makeover shows on HGTV. Favorite one is Love It or List It. But any of them are good.”

Here is one of those compromises everyone is always talking about with their partners. I really didn’t feel like watching that, but it’s not every day I have a hot girl eating with me in bed, either. “HGTV it is.”

After the first episode, I’m severely annoyed. “Okay wait. So you’re telling me that someone does appointment setups from home and the other does a teaching job and can afford a $1.2 million home? That doesn’t even make any sense. This show is so scripted and fake.”

She rolls her eyes, “Yes. I’ve realized it’s not totally logical, but I like to watch it for the houses. It’s crazy to see what houses cost in some places. Think about it. Leo’s house, for example, here is probably like a $450,000 home, yet in California it probably would be close to like $1.5 million. And actually, you couldn’t even find a yard like that in California in most areas.”

So she has a point, but I’ve never really been big on scripted shows. They play too much drama. “Point made, but it still irks me. How about we watch something else now?”

I start flipping through the channels until we come across a rom-com movie. “Oh, why not this? Or, we could always stream instead of watch cable.”

I am learning a little more about Laurel this morning. She likes rom-coms, home makeovers, and making breakfast completely naked. We are already getting comfortable with each other within the apartment, but I didn’t want to be staying over all the time. I think it’s still a good idea to take it slowly to a point. Rushing into things can tear us apart, and this needs to work.
