Page 36 of The Man Next Door

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When my alarm blares, I practically fall out of bed.

“You okay?” Hudson asks, walking in with breakfast already made. “I got up a little while ago. Fixed breakfast. I’ll see you at work.”

I give him a kiss, and then scarf down the omelet before throwing on a purple pencil skirt and a white lace blouse. It is the last thing clean in my closet, so laundry is a must after work.

I grab my keys and purse off the kitchen counter and head into work for another day in paradise. Mondays are always the busiest between all the voicemails and Hudson’s meetings. It only helps the day go by faster, which I didn’t mind.

Tina: Got my interview tomorrow. Want to help me shop for an outfit tonight?

I know I need to do laundry, but as long as we aren’t out for too long, it should be fine.

Me: Duh! Let me know where to meet you. I can come right after work.

Things get progressively busier as the day goes by, and then she walks in. We don’t have time for her crap right now. How many times does Hudson need to dodge her before she gets to the damn point? As his assistant, it has been frustrating, but now as his girlfriend, this shit won’t fly.

“Can I help you, Lyla?” I say, with a bitch look on my face. At this point, I’m not worried about being nice to her. After the way she talked to me last time, I’ll be anything but.

“You can help me by letting Hudson know that I’m here. We need to discuss some things,” she says, as her boobs are practically jumping out of her midi red dress. This is how she dresses for a business meeting? Her husband is okay with her dressing like this out in public?

I knock on Hudson’s door. “You have a visitor.” I can tell he knows by the sound of my voice, and peeks over my shoulder to see Lyla.

“Damn it. I can’t deal with her today. Please let her know I’m busy. If she pushes, then just send her in. I can’t keep avoiding her and risk losing her husband’s business,” he says, with a concerned look on his face.

I understand her husband brings a lot of business into the company, but he can’t keep letting her get away with something like this. Hudson surely can’t be the only man she is trying to sleep with besides her husband. Maybe she just needs to get caught, and then the problem will be solved. Hudson shouldn’t have to deal with this crap just because her husband is a client.

“Hudson is very busy now. He asked me to see if you could come back on Wednesday?” I ask, in the kindest voice possible.

“No. I’ve been here three times now, and he hasn’t seen me. I’ll see him today,” she says, flicking her hair and scoffing.

She won’t budge from my desk, which only frustrates me more. You can tell she is not used to being turned away. Deal with it, bitch. He doesn’t want you. Get it through your thick skull.

I signal to Hudson she isn’t giving up, and he waves his head. “Looks like he just freed up. Go ahead.”

Hudson has told me about her, and I don’t like women who try to use their delicate parts to get what they want. It’s disgusting. He leaves the door open and Lyla is leaned over his desk, in his face and talking to him. Her boobs are in his face, literally. I can see the disgusted look on his face. The jealous part of me pulls out my phone and record. Maybe she will stop after this.

“Hudson, I don’t know why you keep denying your attraction to me. Everyone can tell, even your assistant. Stop playing so hard to get and fuck me already,” Lyla says.

Hudson stands up from his desk and walks around. “I will not tell you again; sleeping with you isn’t an option, and I’m not interested. I’m asking you again to stop coming around here. If your husband requires business, he can visit or call. Otherwise, you are no longer welcome.”

“Let’s make a deal. If you fuck me in your office right now, I won’t tell my husband that you have been trying to sleep with me since our first encounter. Believe me when I say he will believe me over you any day. Don’t push your luck. So, what’s it going to be?”

“Are you seriously trying to fucking blackmail me right now? You know that shit doesn’t work in real life, and always comes back to bite them in the ass,” he says, standing his ground.

Everyone in the office has heard their conversation. She does realize blackmail only works when nobody else knows about it, right? What an idiot. Everyone knows she is trying to force him to sleep with her to keep her husband’s business. How fucking pathetic can she be?

“Your choice, but remember, I gave you a choice. When your world comes crumbling down, don’t act like I didn’t warn you. Have a good day, Hudson,” Lyla says, strutting out past me.

I have just enough time to save the video before she gets in the elevator. Not fast enough. I take the elevator down and run after her. “Lyla, wait! Did you want to make an appointment for next time?”

“No, I won’t be coming back. Neither will my husband. This business is no longer what we are looking for. Hudson will get a call from my husband to formally end our contract.”

I laugh. “I would rethink that. I’ve got something to show you.”

I take out my phone and play the video. While watching, Lyla drops her jaw. It shows everything she asks Hudson and the blackmail part. She just stands there and looks at me when it finishes. “Do you not have anything to say? I mean, we have caught you red-handed. If you don’t want me to send this video to your husband, then you will leave Hudson alone and stop interfering with his business. He doesn’t want to sleep with a nasty bitch like you. He can do a hundred times better.”

With no response, she turns around and storms out of the building.

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