Page 55 of Jerk Neighbor

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His hand tightened. “When have you been burned?”

“My last boyf…you know, maybe I’ll tell you another time. Right now I feel like I’m being put on trial. How would you feel if I didn’t believe you when youknewpeople were using you? You know it when you see it. So do I.”

“Yes. Sweetheart,” he said softy. “Paula. I’m sorry, again. I…shit. You’re not on trial. The thought of this happening to you, being part of your life…I don’t like it at all.”


“Your word is enough. My mother is a bigot. She’s a bigot. Just let me get used to that.”

His thumb stroked her again before he returned it to the wheel. She took some deep breaths, leaning back and staring out the window.

The neighborhood they were driving through boasted truly grand light displays. She thought of her parents’ house, which would be sparsely decorated on the outside, while inside the Christmas tree was always insane with sparkle and clutter. The branches dipped with all the ornaments the family had collected over the years.

For the first time she wondered if she’d done the right thing, staying out here in Eastern Washington. Paula had enough money saved to pay cash for a pretty nice house, but she still hadn’t found one she liked as much as her parents’. She had friends here, but not like at home. She missed everyone.

Maybe after the New Year, she should start looking at real estate on the other side of the pass.

“Okay,” she said finally.

“It makes sense,” he said quietly, and guided the car carefully around a corner. “Nobody in this town likes her. She has no friends, only people she maneuvers. She expects me to date women with influence, because that’s what she would do. My father is her fifth husband.”

Paula’s malaise let go a bit of its grip. “Whatdid you say? Did you say fifth?”

“I sure did. Each marriage was a step up for her in status. She married my father because he’s descended from a founding family. That’s her idea of ambition. I’m convinced she only had me to raise her own status somehow. It’s why she wanted me to marry Trisha. Trisha’s ambitious in the same way.”

“I heard her say you dated her. You really did?”

“Regretfully. Mother hated that I let her get away. From my perspective, I dodged a bullet.”

Paula shivered. “Cold. That’s a cold life.”

“Very. My parents spend lavishly to keep up appearances. It’s my role to rescue them. Trey calls me a fool for buying into their shitshow for so long. But these days…” He shook his head. “Things are changing. I’m not buying out my father. I told him that last year. He refuses to believe me. He thinks I’ll come around.”

“Glad to hear that. It didn’t sound like a great bargain.” She shook her head. “I can’t believe he expects to gain from your loss. That’s no way to be to your own kid.”

“I’m a man, not a kid.” He said the words automatically.

“That’s not the point. You’re their baby. That shouldn’t change no matter how old you get or what sex you are.” She shrugged one shoulder. “My mom would baby you to death if you ever met her. Do noteversay it’s cold or you’ll smother under all the blankets she’d pile on you.”

Overhead it darkened as the car pulled into the parking garage. Bastian was silent as he parked the car. He got out, grabbed the white bag, and walked around to open Paula’s door.

His palm seemed to burn through her coat as they walked to the elevator. They waited without talking. Paula spent the time wishing she hadn’t mentioned his meeting her parents. And then wondering why she had.

When the elevator opened, Bastian ushered her inside and then turned to her in the empty car. He didn’t speak until the doors closed and the car started moving. Then it came from out in left field.

“I have a milk allergy.”


“I don’t spread it around. But I’m severely allergic.”

“Ooooookay.” She leaned against the wall, tilting her head. “And that pertains to the conversation how?”

“They’ve never done anything about it. When I was ten I ended up in the ER because they were too embarrassed to ask the server about ingredients. After that, I started taking the allergy seriously, even if they didn’t.”

“You’re joking.” Her mind immediately went to the meal they’d had at the bistro. At last, his outrageous demands started to make sense. “Is that why you ordered vegan and then ordered meat?”

“You noticed that.”
