Page 81 of Jerk Neighbor

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He held up a flawless aquamarine ring.

Lori burst into tears.

Paula pressed her lips together and held out her left hand. Bastian slipped the ring onto her finger. She studied its pale, shiny brilliance with raised eyebrows.

At last it was on.

She'd accepted his ring.

In front of her family.

The next moment they were attached and kissing fiercely. Followed by more of the same.

“Say I love you!” somebody shrieked. It was Tamara, jumping up and down.

“I love you, Paula Raymond,” Bastian found he was laughing.

Paula whispered, “I love you, Bastian Spencer.” She wiped her eyes, glistening with tears. Then she burst into giggles, pointing at Tamara. “Hey, she made me say it.”

“Say it, woman, and mean it,” he growled.

“I did! I do! All the love, baby! You have all the love. All of it,” she repeated dreamily through her smile, sniffling.

That was technically an exaggeration. Many people reaped the benefits of Paula's love. But he knew what she meant.

He also knew it wasn't over. There were hurdles yet to be surmounted. Paula’s family had embraced him in his role as her boyfriend. But trust him with their daughter and sister for the rest of existence?

For a tight, protective bunch like the Raymonds, it might take some time for them to warm up to the idea.

Then again, going by the shouts, the laughing, the hands pounding his back, not to mention the arms engulfing him from all directions, it might not.
