Page 3 of Some Nights

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I don't ever sit at the bar. It attracts attention and conversation. I'm in the mood for neither, but as the waitress heads my way, my husband’s words echo in my ears.

A man needs his wife to be a lady. He gets his dick sucked somewhere else.

He wouldn’t approve of me sitting at a bar, which is why I do it. I take the first step and the next, passing the waitress and heading for the empty side of the bar. I choose the corner-end stool, so I can look outside to the street. I lift myself onto the high seat and stare down the other end of the swanky bar with the low mood lighting and the accent brick wall. The bartender, built like a running back, places drinks in front of three women. They're all smiles and the middle one, with skunky, bleached, almost-white hair with black-as-sin streaks, pushes her breast on top of the bar.

His mouth tilts all the way in an overt smile.Yeah, men are all fucking horny, sniffing dogs after the first pair of cheap tits.

As if he could hear my thoughts, he turns to my side of the bar, ensnaring me in a gaze that threatens to cut right through me. "I'll be right with you."

I nod and take him all in. His white T-shirt and black jeans that wrap around his body are not out of the ordinary. They’re pretty much a bartender staple. His begging-for-attention arm muscles are not. Those guns are probably the biggest reason he works at the swanky bar. I can’t take my eyes off them or that chiseled jaw, or those fuck-me-hard eyes.

The trio on the other end of the bar are practically drooling. He turns around to add something to the register and they openly ogle his ass. And to be truthful, because I'm not blind or a hypocrite, it’s an ogle-worthy ass. It's nice and round, with strong column thighs.

Thighs like that are one of the reasons I watch baseball. What’s not to love about guys with muscular thighs and broad shoulders? He turns my way and begins to stalk toward me. His gait is sleek and measured, like a jungle cat in his habitat. His body moves in a symmetry that causes heat to pool between my legs.

"Hello." He smiles. It's the same one he used for the three vultures who are openly staring our way. "What can I get you to drink?"

Yeah, this one’s a dirty dog too.

"What would you recommend?"

"What's your usual damage?" His smile widens and it irks me. His little game won’t work with me.

"If I wanted the usual, I would have asked for it."

Oh shit. Oh God.Did I sound like as much of a bitch as I think I did? His eyes take a sharp, cold glint.The smile he pushes on his lips is tight and his lips part. His hand braces on the bar. He's going to blast me and I deserve it. I shouldn’t be taking my day out on this man.

My hand shoots out to cover one of his. "I'm sorry. There's no excuse for that. I'm not usually rude. I'm a little on edge tonight."

Take your hand off him.

His gaze snaps to my hand covering his and he flips his palm. I snatch my hand back and my fingers slide over his, tripping over the rough bumps.

"I shouldn’t be touching you. Oh my God. Sorry for that too. I'm just messing up on all counts."

His eyes take a warmer tone, like I’m a cat video he can’t stop watching. " Are you having a bad day?”

"My life is just…it doesn’t matter. Just please know I'm not a raging bitch. Can we start over?"

His smile widens andoh God, it screws my insides. "We can start over."

"Please recommend something. What do you think I should be drinking?"

His eyes travel down my face and back up to my eyes. My skin tingles under his scrutiny and I struggle not to grab the menu and cover myself. It's not right.I’m a married...

"How about a glass of rosé? We have a great one that was featured in Baltimore Magazine last month."

"Champagne? Because I look high maintenance?" Somewhere, David is co-signing. His boring wife with her boring drink.

But insanely hot bartender shakes his head and leans closer. "Don’t sleep on champagne. It has a sharp bite. It looks sweet and innocent but will take you for a ride.” He pauses and leans in. “It’s also hard to recover from."

A wave of heat sweeps through my body and I'm flushing everywhere, picturing that smiling mouth disappearing between my legs.

Just stop.
