Page 51 of The Summer I Loved

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Cam was going out of his mind. He was in the middle of an interview with Barron Lyons, the head writer ofGiaconda, a European art magazine. The man was doing a piece on tonight's exhibit. The review could open new doors for him outside the United States. But Cam's heart was about a hundred feet from it. Along with his gaze, it strayed beyond the man in front of him to Adrianna, who chatted with Chase.

Both were standing in front of a painting of the lake in Acacia Falls. It was one of the few older pieces on display and one of his first. Chase turned to look at Cam and then back to Adrianna and whispered something. Her eyes widened and she covered her mouth. His brother pointed back at a spot in the painting and said something else and she giggled.

The smile brought a new glow to her face. She was unaware of how beautiful she was and of his gaze that was glued to all of her.

The wine-colored dress fell above the knee. It was sleeveless, with a V neck mesh cut in the top front exposing the silhouette of her cleavage in a barely-there-teasing way that drew Cam’s gaze. From her strappy heels to her long neck, she was a walking magnet. He would rather be alone with her, kissing that glossy pink lipstick from her mouth and weaving that teasing ponytail around his hand.

He couldn’t chase the images of everything he wanted to do to her. They weren’t teenagers anymore. His sexual repertoire had improved and the way she’d kissed him last night told him she was as ready as he was for the next step. He couldn’t wait to bury his face between her legs. The scent of teenage Adrianna still made him wake up in long night sweats. He was dying to know if she still tasted the same.

He couldn’t wait to head back to Maryland with her and Bron. She still had doubts but he’d erase those by showing her he was there for her. They could put the past behind them and start working on their new life. He was desperate to put that nagging thought in the back of his mind. Something that whispered that this happiness wouldn't last.

"I find my heart bursts with pride tonight."

As if he’d summoned his worst fear, his body went rigid at the sound of his mother's voice behind him. Tonight, Victoria’s voice rang with her polite-company cadence. That voice carried none of the acerbic or vindictive cuts she reserved for the moments she couldn’t get her way.

Cameron didn't turn right away. He took a deep breath and assured himself he had nothing to fear. She’d be on her best behavior or he’d have security escort her out like he promised over the phone. He’d already banned Walter from the show. There was no way he’d allow him to be here on his big night. He would do the same to his mother, if necessary. But her stipend was on the line. No way she would risk it.

"Mrs. Blake." The reporter beamed, oblivious to Cam's reaction. "What a pleasure to see you. I was hoping I could talk to you and get a few quotes for my piece tomorrow."

"Of course, Barron. I'm sure we'll have time before the end of the evening. I want to catch up with my son first," Victoria said.

She didn’t know squat about art but Victoria, like Walter, made it her priority to know what members of the media would be there. It was something they exploited at their whim. His mother especially loved seeing the family featured in the social pages.

The reporter smiled and excused himself. As soon as he was out of ear shot, Cam pounced.

"Mother, you came?" he asked.

"You're my son, Cameron. Where else would a mother be but supporting her child on his triumphant night?" she answered.

"It's funny you should say that because you deprived me of mine for all her life," Cam spat at her.

She waved a dismissive hand. "I came here in peace, Cameron. No need to bring up that child where people can hear."

"Bronwyn, my child," Cam corrected.

Victoria chuckled, "You've always been obsessive and susceptible, Cameron. You were taken with the Hayes girl since the first time you saw her at the Smiths. All of Acacia knew. She was with Tommy one minute and then suddenly she went to Walter out of nowhere, saying she was having your child. Were we supposed to disrupt your blossoming career for a child that we were both completely sure wasn't yours?"

His pulse leaped, violent enough to almost make him stagger. Cam gritted his teeth and summoned patience. "You should have told me about her or let me find out on my own. Instead, you acted like Adrianna had gone back to Tommy."

"If we had told you, you would have run back and married the girl without even stopping to question the child's paternity. You left town because of her. This would have brought you back and tied you to someone below your status. No Cy Young awards, no MVPs, no world championships. You would have been a minimum wage husband and father, when you were almost still a child yourself. We watched out for you."

He scoffed. "That wasn't about me. That was about you and your gambling addict husband. You squandered your money and needed me as your cash cow."

"I've invested too much in your life. I bore your father's philandering and humiliations so the three of you could grow up in a stable home with both your parents. And look at you…You've made your own money, your own name. You are famous, admired. Because of us, you’re practically King of New York.”

Victoria took a look around the room and released a breath.

“I wasn't going to allow you to throw all your potential away on a criminal's daughter. A girl who destroyed her future by getting pregnant when she wasn’t even eighteen. She and her little fast-ass friend were probably looking for some fools to get them out of their situation. A child was a sure way to tie you down."

Cam grew hot with every word she uttered until he couldn’t take it anymore. "First, Adrianna is not like that. She has her own business and doesn’t need my money. She went to college and graduated. Second, you are my mother, Victoria. Bronwyn is your grandchild. She carries your blood. You didn't even care if she struggled. What if Adrianna had not been able to give her what she needed? You shouldn’t have been threatened by Bron. You’re my mother. I would have always taken care of you."

"We don't know if that's truly your child, Cameron," Victoria bit out.

Cam reached for his pocket. "Yes, you do. You saw her. She's mine. It's written all over her face. I'm there. Luciana's there and so is Chase. All your children, mother. You can see all of us at one time or another in the way she acts, smiles, walks. She's beautiful, brilliant and good.”

He swallowed and kept his voice low. “She's never been touched by you and I am happy because all she has of you is what nature gave her. Go ahead continue in your denial." He pulled out a sealed envelope and flashed it in front of her. "Keep lying to yourself. Because even if you couldn't see us in her, there are ways you could've found out. I never needed this but you do."
