Page 121 of A Pirate of Her Own

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Smiling, he walked over to her and brushed his hand across the baby’s black hair. “Is it a boy or girl?”

“A boy. Nicholas is his name,” she said, her tone still icy.

“Where did he get all this dark hair from?”

“He takes after his father.”

“Lorelei,” Morgan said with a note of warning. “Jake’s blond.”

“Who saidIwas his mother?” Her gaze slid past him and focused on Serenity.

His heart stopped as he realized who the mother was, and his brain quickly calculated the baby’s approximate age and how long it’d been since he last saw Serenity.

Serenity stepped forward and took the baby from Lorelei’s arms. “I hope he wasn’t a bother.”

“No,” she assured her. “He’s been wonderful, but I think he may be hungry.”

True to the prediction, the baby let out a loud wail.

Lorelei looked at Morgan and arched an imperious brow. “Goodness, Serenity, I think the shock of baby Nicholas killed Morgan.”

Serenity shrugged. “Well, you know what I say about men and labor and children.”

“He’s mine?” Morgan gasped, still too stunned to say anything more intelligent.

Serenity just glared at him.

This was more than Morgan could deal with.

He’d expected to find Serenity…

To find her…

Well, he didn’t really know what he’d expected to find her doing, but it definitely hadn’t been holdinghischild!

Suddenly the air seemed too thick, his stock too tight. He needed to breathe. Needed time to think about this.

Unsure and quite frankly terrified, he turned on his heel and left.

Serenity exchanged puzzled looks with Lorelei, a moment before her rage took hold.

“He left?” she said between gritted teeth as she adjusted Nicholas in her arms.

Lorelei shook her head. “Why is it the only thing you can count on with men is that they will always be somewhere else when you need them?”

Serenity’s sight darkened even more. “Well, he’s not walking away until I’ve said my piece.”

She handed Nicholas back to Lorelei. “Would you please watch him a moment longer?”

“My pleasure. You let that man have it!”

Serenity fully intended to.

Morgan walked on, his mind whirling. Why hadn’t Serenity told him? Sent word to him?

You let her face all of it alone!

Guilt sliced through him.
