Page 44 of A Pirate of Her Own

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A magnificent man.

A man whose muscles rippled like a refined symphony under wet, bronze flesh. Spectacular muscles that hypnotized her and made her breathless.

Her mouth suddenly dry, she could do nothing but stare.

Morgan reached for the dry shirt she held in her hands, then made the mistake of looking at her face. Hunger, raw and wicked, burned in the blue depths of her eyes.

Instantly his body, in spite of the cold, came to life, and he remembered only too well the taste of her lips. Of her breath. The feel of her hands fisted against his back.

Without thinking, he reached for her.

“Here’s the food.” Barney’s voice shattered the quiet as he threw open the door.

Serenity blinked, her cheeks instantly warming. Good gracious, what had almost happened?

Had she almost allowed a half-naked man to kiss her?

Aye, you did.

Another instant and she might have even let him go on and…

Nay,she argued with herself,you’re far too respectable to do something like that.

Or was she?

Her heart hammering, she handed Morgan his clothes. “I’ll wait outside.”

Morgan came to his feet, biting back a curse. His teeth clenched, he tossed the quilt to the floor. “You know, Barney, there are times when I wish I’d left you on theJiminy Bly.”

Barney’s eyes widened. “What did I do?”

You interrupted what could have been a most pleasant distraction.

Sighing in frustration, Morgan pulled the dry clothes on. “You didn’t do anything. Hell, I ought to thank you.”

“For the food?”

No, for keeping me from making the biggest mistake of my life.

“Aye, Barney. Thanks for the food.”

Frowning, Barney scratched his head.

As soon as he was dressed, Morgan opened the door. Serenity, her face ashen, was standing on the other side of the narrow hallway holding on to a grab rail. Feeling for her panic, Morgan took the three steps that separated them and pried her grip loose. “Everything is all right, Serenity. The worst of the storm is behind us.”

“Are you sure?”

He gave her a warm, reassuring smile. “After twenty years at sea, you get rather good about guessing these sorts of things.”

Serenity nodded. The cabin door opened behind Morgan. “If you won’t be needing me further, Captain, I’ll be heading back to the galley.”

“Butter beans, butter beans!” Pesty squawked.

“That’ll be all, Barney.”

Morgan had to move closer to her to let Barney pass. He stood so close, Serenity could feel the heat of his body, feel his breath fall lightly against her cheek. His still-damp hair curled around his shoulders, and she longed for the courage it would take to touch one lock.

It was so overwhelming to be this close to him, to be able to smell the raw scent of man and ocean.
