Page 46 of A Pirate of Her Own

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Morgan grimaced as his gaze swept over the articles of clothing. He recognized his own, as well as Serenity’s attire from the night before.

But what caught and held his attention were the frilly intimate underthings that were also hanging up. Frilly things that made him wonder what secret delights they covered.

“Been doing laundry?” he asked, his voice nothing more than a hoarse croak.

“Well, you said fresh water on board was scarce, so I thought I’d take advantage of our sudden surplus and use it.”

His hand brushed against her soft cotton chemise and his body instantly reacted. Rolling his eyes, he stifled the urge to return back to the storm. One more dousing and he was sure he’d catch his death.

That is, if being this close to her undergarments didn’t kill him first.

Clenching his teeth, he turned around and purposefully kept his back to the drying clothes. Not that it helped. Serenity had brushed her hair out and left it to hang about her shoulders. The candlelight caught in the chestnut waves, adding reddish and gold highlights.

She set the food and plates on his table like a proper dinner setting. A strange feeling came over him. One he couldn’t quite define.

He knew he’d never experienced anything like this in his life. It was almost a feeling of longing. But even that couldn’t quite explain what he felt.

It was justdifferent.

She poured them each a mug of milk, and it amazed him that she didn’t make a comment about his choice of beverage. Even Barney couldn’t resist nettling him every now and again about it.

Then she did it. “Where do you get the milk from?”

Clearing his throat, he pulled a chair out for her. “We have a cow on board.”

“You do not!” she gasped in disbelief.

“It’s not the usual thing, but Cookie insists. He claims Court, being a growing boy and all, needs fresh milk.”

Her smile was enchanting. “Where do you keep her?”

“She roams below deck with the other livestock.”

Cupping the mug in both hands, she took a sip of her milk, then set it aside. “Well, I’m certainly glad Cookie insisted. I love fresh milk.” She wiped the traces of milk from her lips and picked up her silverware.

Morgan took his own seat across from her while she started on her food. He watched her saw at her meat until she had a bite-sized piece. No small feat that, and he had to admire her determination.

But it was Serenity that caught most of his attention. Her wrist had a delicate curve to it as she gently picked up the meat and opened her mouth for it. White, perfect teeth flashed an instant before her lips came together to cover the fork, and she slid it slowly out.

The very tip of her tongue peeped out for just an instant as she licked a tiny spot of cold gravy from her upper lip.

Never before had Morgan noticed just how arousing the process of eating could be. But with every graceful move of her body, and with every flash of teeth on her lip, he felt as though he were being tortured.

“I’m sorry it’s not more palatable,” he said, his voice strained.

“Oh, no, it’s fine. Why, it’s a lot better than what Honor made after our first cook quit. She made porcupine meatballs, and all I have to say is that the porcupine part was definitely right. I think I still have a…” she looked up at him and caught his stare. “Is something the matter?”

If you lick your lips one more time, I swear…

“No,” he said gruffly. “Nothing’s wrong.”

“Are you sure, Captain? You look as if—”

“I said nothing is wrong,” he snapped with more malice than he’d intended.

Her face fell and he felt like a bastard. “I’m sorry. It’s just been a long day,” he offered as an excuse.

That seemed to console her. “You know, I was thinking this morning about the fact that it really isn’t right for me to take over your room. I know how men are when it comes to their territory and—”
