Page 58 of A Pirate of Her Own

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Chapter 9

“Hayes is dead!”

At Jake’s cry, Morgan looked up.

“What?” he asked in disbelief.

Jake nodded toward theDeath Queenand the body two of the crew held up to show them that their captain was no longer a threat. “He must have been hit during the fight.”

Morgan released Serenity, unable to believe he had at last purged the world of one demon.

Jake jumped down from the railing and came over to them. He eyed Serenity with a malice Morgan knew all too well. “I don’t suppose you’ll let me cut her throat.”

Morgan looked at her over his shoulder. “Don’t worry. I can guarantee you, Serenity will never tell this particular story.”

“How? You going to cut out her tongue and take her hands?”

“Nay, I have an even better idea.”

Serenity was chilled to her bones at the tone of voice Morgan used. Not to mention the grisly image she held of what Jake had just described doing to her and her precious neck. Involuntarily she clutched at her throat.

Could Morgan really kill her?

Looking at the coldness on his face, she decided she would rather walk the plank into a shark’s nest than be alone with him.

“Jake,” Morgan said, “you take the helm of theDeath Queenand theRevengewill tow you into port. We’ll need to make repairs on theRevengebefore we go any further.”

Jake gave an evil smile as he leaned one hip against the edge of the ship’s starboard railing. “Just what I need, a good pirate ship with a good pirate crew.”

“Jake,” Morgan said his voice full of warning. “Try to remember, Black Jack Rhys met the Marauder…and lost. Last anyone heard, he was swimming at the bottom of the ocean.”

Jake smirked and folded his arms across his chest. “You take all the fun out of things.”

“I certainly hope so. The last thing you need is for someone to report to the American or English government that you’re alive and well.” Morgan turned to Barney. “Make ready to sail, Mr. Pitkern. Our headings have changed to Santa Maria Island.”

Then Morgan faced Serenity, and she realized her hopes of him forgetting her were in vain. “You and I need to talk.”

Terror consumed her. “Talk about what? How you’re going to kill me?” That was certainly one discussion she didn’t want to have. One she could wait a long time to have, in fact.

He didn’t answer.

“How about if I stay…” her voice trailed off as he directed a look at her that made her tremble.

Very well,she thought. She would follow him, and if he made a move to hurt her, she promised herself he would long regret it.

At least she would try to make him long regret it.

Of course, the worst thing she could probably manage would be to bleed on him. Fine revenge, that.

Morgan led her to his cabin and held the door open for her to enter. Serenity tried to be brave, really she did, but her imagination was working overtime. Too easily she could envision all sorts of horrors he had planned to keep her silent.

He closed the door with an ominous thud.

She noted that his gaze drifted to the curtains and his jaw flexed.

A sudden chill skidding up her spine, she asked quietly, “You’re not still angry about those, are you?”

His look would have melted an iceberg. “My anger where you’re concerned runs so deep that…” His voice trailed off. He shook his head as if reconsidering his words, and paced along one side of the room.
