Page 74 of A Pirate of Her Own

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“Your father wouldn’t happen to have any small burnet on board, would he?”

Court’s brow furrowed. “Never heard of it me-self, so like as not we don’t.”

“What about chamomile?” she asked as she lifted the lid off the platter and set her food on the table. “Do you have any of that?”

“Barney takes it in his tea ever’ now and a’gin. I’m sure he might be in the mood for some sharing.”

“Oh good.” Serenity handed him the platter and lid back. “All you need do is make an oil of the flowers and place about three drops on the tooth. That should hold him until he gets to a dentist.”

“You’re a saint, mum. A blessed saint.”

She reached out and brushed the lock of hair from out of his eyes. “I’m nothing of the kind.”

His smile lost some of its luster as he looked at her. “You remind me of me own mum. Pa thinks so, too. Said she was a real lady like you, not one of those types what meets us on land wanting some money for her favors. She had genteel ways.”

Her throat tightened at the sadness that burned in his eyes. “You must miss her a lot.”

“Aye,” he answered, his voice thick.

“I miss my mother, too. She died when I was just a girl, but some days it feels like it was just yesterday.”

Court sniffed. “I suppose I’d best be going, afore we both end up in tears.”

He moved to the door, then stopped. “I almost forgot, mum. The captain sent this note for you.”

He took a piece of sealed parchment from his pocket and handed it to her.

“Oil of chamomile flowers. I’ll tell me pa,” he said before turning around and opening the door.

Serenity barely heard the last of his words as he made his way out of the cabin. Instead, her attention was on the quick, clean strokes of Morgan’s writing. It amazed her that a pirate would be literate. Especially one sold so young to the sea.

She broke the seal.

I feel like a weed in the midst of Winter. ’Tis the sunshine of your smile that will bring back the Spring of my days. We arrive in four days. I hope you will grace me again with your presence.



She traced the flowing letters with the tip of her finger and couldn’t suppress a smile. A poetic pirate no less. Who would have thought?

Stay away from him!her mind warned.

She knew she should listen. Still, she saw the flowing script and felt the thrill of excitement run thick through her veins.

What was it about such a tiny note that made her breathless?

She crumpled the note and made to toss it out the open window.

Her arm drawn back, she watched the sea and faltered.

I feel like a weed in the midst of Winter. ’Tis the sunshine of your smile that will bring back the Spring of my days.

No one had ever written such to her before. Never. It was the type of note most women waited a lifetime to receive.

How could she toss it away?

And before she could stop herself, she opened her hand and did her best to straighten out the wrinkles.

After all, what would it hurt for her to keep it?
