Page 39 of Enslaved by Anubis

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3 months later

Sometimes it’sdifficult to think of the life I led before as anything more than a horrific nightmare. I have spent my entire life in the servitude of others, working day in and day out just to be allowed the privilege to not die and keep on working. At no point in my life have I actually lived—until now, that is. My mind goes to Sslama and the others still stuck there, and I can’t help but feel sorrow and desperate yearning to help them. But I know that day will come.

I swim out to a little island every day when I wake up. The salt of the ocean feels amazing on my skin, and it invigorates me for the day. The climate here is somewhat milder than in Ebkherun with all the mountains and cool ocean breeze. I don’t miss the sweltering heat of the desert one bit. If I had known that such a paradise existed, I would have tried to run across that border years ago.

Neb has luckily made a full recovery. He is often teleported back up to the space station by Qhins. I will never get used to seeing him slowly vanish before my eyes. Luckily, they give us some warning before they recall him so that he isn’t teleported in a… compromising position.

When he is here, in our modest little house, we can’t keep our hands off each other. The liberation of being able to express our feelings openly, not having to hide how we feel from anyone, has further deepened our physical and emotional connection. Although the Qhins don’t encourage mixing with humans, they are indifferent, maybe even supportive, of our relationship. They are very open people and see no issue with us exploring our connection together.

Despite everything going well with Neb, it has been one hell of an adjustment getting used to all these new technologies. Neb has been very supportive, teaching me everything he knows, but it is an adjustment for him as well. He explained to me that the Qhins are even more advanced than the Dhaarrir. Many of their devices are almost as foreign to him as they are to me. I think Pheidon decided to send us down to Yoria so not to overwhelm us—more accurately, me.

I’m not fully up to speed on what they want with Neb. They seem to be preparing him for something pretty important, and although I wish he was around all the time, I am proud to have a man who is willing to help liberate my home. I think they intend to send him back to Dhaarria undercover. He is the first defector in the history of the planet, and the Qhins are anxious to utilize him. The thought of him going into the belly of the beast gives me anxiety, but I know he can handle himself. He got us here in one piece, more or less.

I’m taking life day by day and enjoying all the precious moments it has to offer. I know that things are bound to change at some point, but with Neb by my side, I know we can conquer any challenge together.

“Where are you, love?” I hear the voice come from inside the house. I’ve spent the morning sitting on the pebbly beach a hundred hands away, looking out at the rising sun.

I turn and see that beautiful, black body glistening in the yellow light. We’ve taken to spending all of our time naked. We only put on our fancy white suits if we head up to the station. There’s no need for clothes in a paradise like this.

“How’d you sleep?” I ask, standing up and turning around to greet him.

He walks up and presses his body against mine. He softly places his hand on my cheek and leans down for a tender kiss. He pulls away, just slightly, and smiles.

“Good morning, beautiful.”

“Good morning,” I say, smiling back at him.

“I slept like a baby, how about you?”

“No complaints,” I say with a little wink.

“You been for a swim yet?”


Before I can finish my sentence, he has sweeps me up in his arms and carries me into the water. The water is nice and cool on our skin, making the goosebumps rise. He puts me down and wraps his arms around me from behind, now waist deep in the water. He kisses me on the head, and I can feel his penis growing on the small of my back. He cups some water in his hands and pours it over my back, caressing me with his fingers. He does the same for my breasts, pinching my nipples as he molests me. He knows what gets me hot every time. I turn around and take his cock in my hands, forcing a moan out of him. I love seeing how much he craves me. He closes his eyes as I stroke him gently, slowly picking up the speed. He rubs his hands all over my body as I continue to pleasure his thick, stiff shaft.

Then, I stop and bolt out of the water. I know there’s no way I can outrun him, and I don’t really want to—I just love making him catch me. As expected, I only make it to the soft grass in front of our house before he tackles me to the ground. He pushes me down into the earth with his strong hands on my back. He uses his knee to spread my thighs, and I obediently lift my ass up in the air. He spits in his hand and lubricates his cock.

“You asked for it,” he says before plunging his member deep inside me. The sensation shocks me every single time, and I let out a gasp of excitement. As he starts brutishly ravaging me from behind, all I can think is that I must have died in the crash and gone to heaven.

* * *

Later in theevening both of us are summoned up to the station. We get the call on our handheld screens, which gives us five minutes before we will be transported up to the space station in the sky. It’s unusual for us to be called in at the same time, so we both get a little nervous. We get our clothes on and sit down, holding hands as our bodies vanish into thin air and reappear up in the familiar white room, Pheidon’s office.

“How are the love birds doing?” he asks playfully. Before we can answer, he continues, “I’ll cut right to the chase. Things have, let’s say, accelerated in the past week, and we think that the time is right for us to make a move.”

“You mean—”

“Yes, exactly. The day has come, and we need you both,” Pheidon says, cutting off Neb. “So, are you ready to save Yoria?”

We look at each other, my hand clasped tightly in Neb’s. In one voice, we answer, “Hell yes.”
