Page 5 of Unbroken

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I wakebefore the rest of the house and make a pot of coffee. Once the sweet aroma is filling the house, I walk to both Malcom and Elisa’s doors and knock until I hear them moving around.

Lucy is the first to stick her head out, then Elisa. I hold up my coffee mug and point toward the kitchen. “Fifteen minutes, then were loading up.”


I thought I’d gotten myself under control after last night, but the only thing better than Lucy in a bikini is fresh-faced, just crawled from the bed Lucy. I want to wrap my hands in her hair and bury my face in her neck.

I could see the thoughts play out across her face last night. It would’ve been so easy to stand there and wait for her make a move, but I didn’t want her to think about wanting me or to play out the consequences and repercussions in her head. I want her to want me so badly she doesn’t think at all, only instinct driving her actions.

Fifteen minutes later, we’re loading up the back of the Bronco and getting ready to hit the road. The rest of the guys are already on the road. Pacey called to let me know they were leaving about ten minutes ago.

Every year since we graduated college, we’ve taken this trip. Sometimes to a different site, but always together. Once I married and had Malcom, he started coming along too. It’s the one thing we all manage to agree on, even now. We don’t miss this trip. It’s a chance to reconnect and catch up.

This is the first year Elisa has joined us. When Malcom asked if his stepsister could come along, I almost said no. I didn’t want to speak to Maggie to clear it with her. The last conversation with my ex-wife hadn’t exactly been pleasant.

But then I thought of Lucy being there with a bunch of men and figured she might welcome the company.

Malcom opens the passenger door and gestures for Lucy to climb in. “You can ride up front.”

“Are you sure? Elisa can sit up here, and we can ride in the back together.”

“I’m good. You can have the front. I’d hate for you to barf in the back,” Elisa says, climbing into the back seat.

“Everyone in.”

My command seems to jolt Lucy into action. She crawls in the front seat and pulls the door closed before latching the seat belt and staring out the windshield. Her shoulders are tense, and she takes small breaths like she’s on the verge of crying.

“Guess that means you get aux, Little Dove.”

Her lip lifts slightly as she takes the phone from my hand. “Just one rule. You have to mix it up.”

Her eyes light up with the challenge.

Fifteen minutes into the drive, I’m starting to think having her up front was a horrible idea. My hand itches to reach across and run along her thigh or tuck the hair behind her ear. Malcom is passed out in the back seat, Elisa leaning on his shoulder asleep as well.

The song changes, and Lucy bounces in her seat when it starts. “Oh my God, I love this song. Seriously. It’s one of my top three favorites.” She reaches over and turns up the volume, her eyes lighting up with an internal flame.

When the first line starts, she closes her eyes, swaying in the seat, and sings,She never mentions the word "addiction".

Fucking hell.

My dick hardens instantly, the urge to pull this truck over and bury myself inside her almost more than I can fight.
