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Maddi laughs, throws her hands up, and walks around to the other side of the table. She gives Zac a hug before walking to Nate and giving him one as well. Well, what I’m sure started out as a hug but ended up with her jamming her elbow into his stomach when he pinches her butt. She throws a look over her shoulder at her sister before walking back over to me and picking up her drink.

Maddi—like me—is wearing a form fitting dress. Hers is a light purple color that looks amazing on her tan skin. Her long, black hair is up in a high ponytail and her make up is done to perfection. But unlike me, she doesn’t have to struggle to keep her dress from riding up her ass. Mainly because even though she has a great ass, she doesn’t have the hips that I do. Which is a major reason why I have avoided wearing anything this . . . tight.

The dress that Dani insisted I wear, ended up being one of the ones that she had her best friend Lyn drag over. Something that they claim they just had, but being that I’m the only one of them that has hips for days, I know they’re full of shit. Which was confirmed when Lila, Lyn’s twin sister, apologized for being late because they took too long at the mall.

The deep blue dress fit me perfectly. I have to admit it’s stunning, there’s a thin layer of lace that covers the blue material of the dress and takes it from looking like a cheap bar dress to something a little classier. I should be happy because it covers all the important places, but the low neckline makes me boobs stand out. Then there’s the whole back of the dress issue . . . or I should say lack of the back. The blue material stops at my butt and the lace continues about two inches and then it’s nothing but skin except for a thin line of blue that crosses mid back, holding it together. A thin and tight chain connecting each side that I’m convinced is going to snap. A very stupid thin line that prevented me from wearing a bra, so with the added joy of being free, I’ve been praying that my nipples just keep the fun under control.

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I tug the hem down again and pull the straw from my drink, toss it on the table, and down the rest of my Long Island Ice Tea.

“Ha! Chug it babe!” Nate yells across the table with a smile. “Wanna see who can drink more?” He challenges.

“Uh, no? Why are you here, anyway?”

“Someone isn’t so sure. I’m here because I know you want to play with Nate Dog?” He wags his eyebrows and I cough out a laugh.

“Did you seriously just call yourself Nate Dog?” I hear Stella yell from the corner.

“Sure I did. ” Nate says and puffs out his chest. “Don’t you know how much dogs love to play with cats?”

“What the hell are you talking about?” I inquire.

“Cats, babe. You know, pussy. If there’s one thing that a dog can chase, it’s pussy. Wanna play?”

“You’re such a child,” Dani groans and slaps him on the back of his head.

Despite the fact that he has the maturity of a teenager sometimes, he does look hilarious pouting at his sister. He reaches up, pulls his shoulder length hair from his topknot and fixes the man bun that his sister knocked loose. Looking at him, strong bone structure, handsome features and green eyes just as stunning as his sister’s, I have to admit he’s without a doubt one good-looking man.

When he catches me studying him, I get a wink and he thrust his hips, earning him another smack from his sister.

“Leave her alone,” she yells.

“Whatever, sis. ” He holds up his hands and looks back at me with a wicked smile. “So, wanna drink meow?”

I laugh and walk around the table and loop my arm through his. “Sure, big boy, let’s go get some drinks. Right, meow,” I jest.

I push my arm through his offered elbow, and start to walk toward the bar. I feel like I have to stand on my toes even with my heels to keep our height even as we walk through the crowded dance floor.

An hour later, I’m pretty sure I’ve lost the ability to stand up straight. Not because I’m drunk, well . . . I might be a little, but watching Nate work the room with what has to be the worst pick-up lines in the world has me laughing so hard that I’ve almost fallen over more times than I can count.

“And then he said to her, ‘You sure are beautiful. Almost as beautiful as my sister, but you know that’s illegal. ’ And you should have seen her face. She looked like she swallowed a fly. Didn’t even take a second for her to turn and run. ”

Everyone laughs when I finish telling them about one of Nate’s attempts at picking up one of the chicks he walked into after our third trip to the bar. Well, everyone except Dani.

“You are so disgusting. I swear Mom and Dad picked you up on the side of the road. ” Dani turns her head and rolls her eyes at me.

“What? Hey, I called you beautiful. Doesn’t that give me brownie points?” Nate holds his hands up and actually looks confused by why we find his failed pick-up lines hilarious.

“Dude, you basically told her that your sister is hotter but you can’t do her because she. Is. Your. Sister. ” Zac says, holding his sides as he laughs as hard as I am.

“That wasn’t even the best one!” I yell. “He looked at that one,” I pointed across the room to a tall, stunning blonde before looking at Nate and laughing so hard I almost fall off my stool again. Thankfully two strong hands grab my hips before I can move too far off. I look up at Zac and smile my thanks for him catching me before I fell on my ass. “Then he says to her ‘Taco Bell isn’t the only thing that’s open late and I love tacos’ and she,” I pause to laugh harder when he narrows his eyes at me, “And then, she said ‘baby I’ve been waiting to have someone offer to play with my taco since I had my sex change!’”

After that, there was no way my laughter could have been stopped. Everyone around us starts laughing and Nate just rolls his eyes and takes a pull of his drink.

“Hey, I love this song. ”

I jump from my seat and run around the table and into the mass of bodies dancing on the dance floor. I turn and see Dani, Maddi and Stella have joined me as we dance and laugh as each song starts to blur into the next.

We had been dancing for a while now, each of us laughing and having a great time. Nate and Zac seem to be on watchdog duty, because each time someone tries to get too close, they step in. I have a good feeling that they both only showed up for girl’s night to keep an eye on us. Or at least they had been until Mr. Cowboy started to get too grabby.

I had just turned to straighten my body after spinning around in a few circles and wiped my hair out of my face with a smile that died instantly. The stranger that we had been fending off for the last five or so songs gives me a sinister looking smile before pulling me into his arms. I look around, frantic, before I realize my spin dancing must have separated me from the group. I can just see the top of Nate’s head standing a good distance away from me. At six and a half feet, the fact that I can only see the tip top of his head has me swallowing a hard lump of fear. Being this far away, I know he can’t hear me if I call out for him.

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I watch Nate’s head disappear as Mr. Cowboy starts to pull me further away.

“Hey! Let go, jerk!”

Pulling me against him, he drops his head and puts his mouth against my ear. The feeling of his breath making my skin crawl instantly. When his mouth opens and he pulls my earlobe into his mouth I start to struggle against him with renewed vigor. My fear turns to panic when his teeth bite down on my ear, causing me to scream out—only to have the sound be swallowed up by the loud beats of the music around us.

“I’ve been waiting for you to come to me,” he slurs and pulls me against his hips. I wan

t to vomit when I feel his erection poke me in the stomach. Memories long since suppressed, start to float to the surface and I start struggling harder. I can feel his frustration as his grip on my arms tightens. My arms burn with the strength of his hold and I just know I’ll have two nasty bruises.

“I could tell you wanted some of Big Daddy,” he moans when I stumble as he pulls me toward the back hall and my stumble does nothing but push me closer to his body. “Yeah, baby. I knew you wanted some of this. ”

“Let me go,” I whisper, the panic starting to close in on me. “Please,” I squeak out.

He lifts one hand from my bicep and takes my jaw roughly, his thumb digging into my flesh and he jerks my head up. My eyes water and I let out a whimper.

“You want me. I’ll show you what all that teasing your dancing has been doing gets you. ” He grinds his hips one more time and I almost lose the contents of my stomach.

“What the fuck!”

Before I can even process the move, a fist comes out of nowhere and crunches into Mr. Cowboy’s nose. The sickening sound of his bones breaking takes that battle I’ve been fighting against my stomach to a whole new level. Mr. Cowboy goes back but doesn’t remove his hold on my arm so I’m jerked like a rag doll.

“You think about taking my toy and I’m not going to be very happy, pretty boy,” Mr. Cowboy says through the blood pouring from his nose and into his mouth.

My stomach heaves.

“Get your fucking hands off her,” I hear Nate growl and his warm hand gently goes to the arm that isn’t being held. In my mind I picture some sick game of tug of war beginning.

“Fuck you,” he spits and in a move quicker than I can process he lunges forward and clocks Nate right in the left side of his face, jerking my body again so hard that my head snaps back and I feel a sting against my back as the chain on my dress snaps.

He doesn’t even flinch. I can see Nate torn and not wanting to fight while I’m in the middle of them like some convoluted game of monkey in the middle. Well, that is until the jerk that is still holding on to me moves to punch Nate and gets me right in the back of my head.
