Page 62 of Paper Coffins

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Beckett doesn’t stand down. “Yet you know who she is and you’re still here, Tobias.”

Rolling his shoulders, Beckett sets his posture squarely to match Tobias’s, and there isn’t a piece of him that looks like it will cower. I’ve seen Beckett in positions of dominance before, but this is something completely different.

“You know she’ll tarnish everything she touches.”

“What gives you that idea?”

Tobias sniggers. “The fallen princess. That reputation isn’t one she’ll get rid of.”

“Can I interrupt?”

I’m polite, letting them think they’ve got me marked and I don’t care who I annoy with my interruption. It’s all part of my charm.

“She’s going to be the death of you. Everything you’ve just acquired will go because of her.”

I clear my throat this time, unmoved but growing in persona nonetheless. “How about you sidestep him and come and say that to my face?”


Beckett’s tone is dark, but the warning in it isn’t aimed at me—not really.

“No, no,” I say, unwilling to let this dick undermine me. “If he’s got something to say, let him say it. Preferably to my face. I really want to take in every syllable of it.”

Tobias doesn’t miss a beat.

“Alright, then, princess.”

He sidesteps Beckett, but he reacts, blocking Tobias’s way. They’re chest to chest, toe to toe, and both battle the other with their enlarged senses of masculinity.

“Boys, put the testosterone away.”

My voice is light, lit by my humour at the sight of them. This is where I thrive, taking command, having an ounce of control no matter how short-lived.

“Beckett, let him pass.”

My order is strong, and I relax when Beckett listens.

“Okay, Tobias. Lay it on me.”

I’m ready for this. I grew up with men like Tobias, and years of exile chipped away at my emotions, leaving very few for brutish men to hurt.

He laughs, brandishing a smile that makes my skin crawl as he finally fully approaches me. “Do you really think you could survive this lifestyle?”

I hum thoughtfully for a second. “Funny you should ask, but it would appear I’m already doing just that, and regardless of what you’re about to say or do, I’ll continue doing so.”

He pushes closer, his body impossibly close to mine, and I sense how Beckett and Sebastian react. For men who hate me, they’re not behaving true to that notion, and that only makes me smirk harder.

“Now, now, Tobias. Back the fuck up.” I pause only to meet his gaze, proud that it doesn’t even flicker. “Back-the-fuck-up.”

He listens, but only enough to take a minute step back. His tense muscles are corded in reaction to me, a frown drawn on his forehead as he presents me with an expression that’s meant to put the fear of Christ up me, but instead causes me to grin.

“Why are you back?” He barks the question at me, and I remain quiet, deliberately waiting and watching. “I asked you a question.”

“Oh, I know you did.” I shrug as I scrunch my nose up playfully. “I’m just trying to figure out why it’s any of your business.”

“You always were a smart arse.”

“A curse to many,” I announce proudly. “A blessing to others.”
