Page 15 of Storm Watch

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When I made it back to Yosemite early that morning, it felt like seeing a long-lost friend. Even though it had only been a week since I was last here, adding extra days to my time off was the right decision.

Weather news said a storm would roll over the valley in a couple of days. A proper storm bringing angry wind and rain. Two days was plenty of time to finish the hike I had started and head on home to clear my raging thoughts. Especially my thoughts of Hayden. He was out here somewhere in the beautiful wilds.

Hayden Storme, keeping watch.

I pulled up to the entrance of the park and handed over my credit card to pay for my vehicle. I tried not to look down as my shirt was tighter than I expected, making my breasts look fuller than they really were.

Having curves was both a blessing and a curse, that was for certain.

“What are your plans today, ma’am? Seeing the Dome or the falls?” The park ranger had a deep voice, the sound of velvet. It reminded me of Hayden’s rich laugh and smooth tone, every word of his like a sensuous oil.

I snapped out of my thoughts with a small shake of my head, “Finishing a hike today. Last time I was here, it got cut off halfway.”

“Aww, that sounds like a bummer.”

A warm feeling washed over me, remembering the kiss, his body and the gasping shudder he made as he came. “It wasn’t so bad.”

The ranger in the booth completed his magic, then handed my card back with a tiny receipt. “Have a brilliant day, ma’am. Please be careful about the incoming storm and good luck on the last part of that hike.” He flashed a brilliant smile my way and went back to his work at the desk.

“Thank you.” I grabbed my card and receipt, then slipped them away to my small hiking wallet.

“By the way.” The ranger said, leaning out the window with a curious smile, “Nice Jeep. The wrangler, yeah? How do you like it?”

I ran my hands over the steering wheel, enjoying every ridge and bump. I bought it new not long after kicking Marsh out and wanting to change everything about my life to the one I had long dreamed of. It was a kick to the wallet, but worth the newfound freedom. “It’s pretty great, to be honest.” The truth was easy to admit.

A question flashed through my mind, remembering Hayden’s laugh, his warm, calloused hand on my own. I could just ask, couldn’t I? This ranger, did he know Hayden? Was Hayden working today?

Just ask. Just ask and see, nothing would happen from just asking.

“Hey, um.” I started, but I told Hayden it would be just the one time. Just a fling in the forest... an incomplete fling in the forest, but still. “I was wondering.”

The ranger looked up from my Jeep with a raised eyebrow.

Just ask. It means nothing. “Is, uh, Hayden working today?” See, that was not so hard, was it?


I nodded, “Hayden Storme.”

“Sorry ma’am, I only started working here a few weeks ago. I don’t really know everyone’s names yet.” I felt my heart crush. What was I expecting? “Do you want me to call and check for you?”

“No!” I said, half panicked and louder than expected, my voice cracking under anxious strain. “No, no, thank you. I was just... just wondering is all.”

We sat for a moment in awkward silence, avoiding eye contact. Another car pulled up behind me, waiting for their turn. I squeezed my steering wheel so hard my knuckles went white.

My god, could that have been any more embarrassing?

“Sorry,” I started, voice sort of quiet. Then I gave an awkward laugh that matched the embarrassment on my face. “Please don’t tell him I asked after him. It’s... embarrassing.”

The park ranger nodded, tipping his hat to me, his smile awkward, but gave nothing else away. “No problem at all. You have a great day and stay safe out there.”

Smiling a thanks, I drove forward into the glorious vastness of Yosemite National Park once again. I felt the flush of self-imposed humiliation bubble up from my chest to my cheeks, my palms slick with sweat against the steering wheel.

It did not matter. I was going hiking and could get this nonsense out of my head in no time. All I needed was some of my favorite music and a sip of hand ground coffee from the thermos tucked away in the cup holder between the leather bucket seats.

Seeing Hayden again would not happen. I needed to stop this girlishness that I started.

A onetime thing. No strings attached.

Well, maybe I want strings. Dammit! Why did he have to be so, so perfect? Hiking would clear my mind. I was certain of it.

Then again, the last time I went hiking to clear my mind, I almost had mind-blowing sex with a random stranger in a national park after he saved me from a mountain lion.

I’ll try to stick with just the hiking this time around.

Try to, anyway...
