Page 21 of Storm Watch

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The sky was pouring down around us, my boots slipping in the mud and against slick boulders. He reached to pull another pack from the truck, pulling the broken window free, the glass falling to the mud at his feet.

“Go, Lana!” He ordered, the pack stuck fast. He pulled, muscles bulging from the strain under his shirt.

I rushed back, sliding to his side, almost slamming into the hardness of his body. At my belt was my knife. I pulled it free as I reached for the bag, the rain making the fabric slick and my eyesight blurry. “Not without you!”

I caught a strap. Using my knife, I cut it free, and it tore away into Hayden’s hands.

“Nowrun, Hayden Storme!”

Stowing the knife back to my belt, we ran.

As we grew closer to the fire lookout tower, the trees grew scarce as the summit was in sight. Mud drained away to slick rock and puddles hid sharp dips between stones. The muddy service road was barely discernible in the stormy darkness, but I followed the lines that I could see.

We were almost there, following the flashes of lightning to the stillness of the lookout tower. The skin on my arms, damp and cold tingled at the static in the air.

I would not die today, not out here in this storm.

Hayden was not far behind me, sprinting to catch up. Over my shoulder, I could see one of his long legs slip out beneath him in the mud. He caught himself and picked up the pace, catching up to me.

“Come on, Hayden!”

So close, so close! We almost reached the bottom steps when a flash of lightning and thunder cracked across the sky. The sound boomed through my body, knocking me to the ground. My ears rang as the thunder grumbled across the sky.

“Lana!” Hayden reached my side, grabbing my arm and pulling me up. The railing of the towering wooden lookout tower steps ahead of us. “You’re okay, almost there.” His voice was low, a warmth in the ice-cold rain.

Standing and lurching forward, we wound up the steps to the lookout tower. At the top, Hayden pulled the keys from the pack he retrieved from the truck and opened the door. The harsh wind dared to whip the door back, but it held fast in Hayden’s hands.

I hurried inside into the dryness. Hayden following behind, fighting to close the door against the violent gales, and locking the deadbolts at the top and bottom. The wind howled outside and rain pummeled the building.

From the windows stretching to all four sides, I could see down into the valley below as it was lit by strikes of lightning, followed by the roars of thunder. It was wild, dangerous, and beautiful.

Just like Hayden.

He stood there, lit by the flashes of lightning. His strong features and wild eyes burning into my soul. He was breathing heavy, chest heaving and shirt plastered to every muscle.

I could feel my insides tighten and my body burn.

Claps of thunder shook the windows, and the wind rattled the shutters. The lookout tower creaked beneath my feet, wood moaning against the onslaught of wind.

My breathing was fast, smoldering in my chest. I wanted him. I wanted all of him.

We crashed together as two bolts of lightning in the air. His lips were hot against mine, my hands digging into the wetness of his shirt and hair. Inside, my body screamed for release, warmth spreading between my legs and aching to be taken.

His kisses were hard, demanding. I could feel his tongue slip against mine, taking the kisses from me and the breath from my lungs. When he pulled away, I gasped for air, desire burning up in my chest, sending tingling shocks to my breasts and nipples.

Hayden gripped one hand into my hair, pulling my head to the side, peppering fervent kisses down my jaw and neck. Fuck, I needed him now. I wanted all of him now. Nothing would stop us this time. Not even the rage of mother nature around us.

“Take off your clothes.” A flash of lightning and a boom of thunder followed his growl.

I breathed, “Yes.”

His hands lifted, helping me peel out of my wet clothes. The cold caught my skin, sending shivers through my body.

“Don’t worry.” He hummed against my collar, where his kisses continued. “I will warm you up soon enough.”
