Page 43 of Crazy on Daisy

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The barrel riders had all finished Sunday when the loudspeaker blasted news that Daisy’s combined times on Lucky had set records for the Paris Rodeo. She didn’t have the energy left to whoop, but shouts from Kelsey and Trina and Becky and even Hasty made her smile.

Hank’s long, loud whistle came from across the arena as he hurried towards her, and she burst out laughing, giddy with joy. T.J. even came up, first shaking her hand, then folding her in a big hug. She’d beaten Hasty’s time on Saturday fair and square.

Hasty had taken a barrel down Sunday, finishing in the middle of the pack. There was no real way to know what would have happened if Hasty had raced clean. Daisy’s physical recovery was far from over, but she knew she was doing fantastically well, all things considered.

They’d all face off again next week in Austin, the last qualifier before finals. Jillian would be there, too, but for now, Daisy was feeling fine. She and Hank were going home together, and that was just about the best ending to a weekend already full of surprises that she could imagine.

They packed up alongside one another in that old familiar way, smiles on their faces as they crossed paths, occasionally bumping hips. The heat was back.

“Truck’s running, air is on, Daize, I got this, why not take a rest while I finish up?” Hank asked as he finished dumping water buckets and started to break the dividers out of the loose box, making a smaller standing stall for Lucky’s return trip.

So she did, enjoying the peace and quiet there while Hank was working to make everything right before the trip home.

On the long drive, she bunched a sweatshirt to sleep against the side of the door. Hank held her hand, and that familiar sense of ease and rightness settled over them.

Back at Hobble Creek Ranch, he led Lucky to his stall in the little light Daphne had left on for them, then came back for Daisy’s bags. Both hands full, he followed her in, slipping through the screen door of the little ranch house and down the hall, where silver moonlight filtered into her lacy-windowed, fuzzy-floored little bedroom.

“You stayin’?” she asked softly.

“I want to. You sure it’s okay?”

She put a hand to his chest, felt the heat of him through his shirt. “Heck yeah. I’m way more than sure, Hank Gallagher.”

So he moved closer, wrapping her in his arms. “I’d sure like it if you’d go on a dinner date with me tomorrow night. How about steak and grilled shrimp at Lucese’s, over in Beeville, maybe a bottle of champagne to celebrate?”

Daisy’s broke into a happy smile. “That your only requirement to stay?” she teased.

“Only one I can think of right now,” he grinned, touching her neck, kissing her shorn hair.

“Daphne took my shopping,” she whispered. “Got a real pretty dress to wear, new sandals too. I was thinking of you when I got them.”

“Were you now?” he said, real quiet, his breath and lips close. They brushed over hers, and she melted. “Got somethin’ real special planned for your birthday, end of the month, but it’s a surprise.”

“A surprise?” Squeezing his hand, Daisy pulled her t-shirt over her head, began to loosen the buckle on her belt.

He undressed, too, but this time, they were shyer with each other than they’d been at first. Now they knew how much it meant, to be together.

When Hank was next to her in bed, skin to skin, their hearts close, Daisy held his cheeks and gave him a long, slow kiss that told him she believed in him, she trusted him, she wanted him. Hank deepened the kiss, so their tongues tangled. Laughing, Daisy twitched and flicked into his mouth in that teasing way she had, that was for him alone.

He groaned, completely turned on, and pulled her on top of him, cupping her buttocks in his hands. He whispered, “In about two seconds, I’m gonna give you my best, Daisy Mae. But before I do, I want to promise to give you my best, all the time, every way I can. I just worry it won’t be enough,” he admitted.

“Enough?” Daisy giggled, tickling his belly, “It’s everything, Hank.”

Reaching lower, she spanned the girth of his erection, teasing him with her fingertips. “You’ve sure got plenty to give, and you know how good it makes me feel, all the ways you show me you care. . .It’s so good, I’m gonna give you some of my best, too, right now, as a matter of fact. . . ”

She wriggled lower, and the sinful little flickering tongue that did such crazy things in his mouth was suddenly teasing and sucking between his legs. He took it as long as he could, then rolled so she was beneath him. Crazy on each other, they gave it their best, connecting and loving in all the good ways, that night and the next, finding some new and even better ways, the following night . .

The days mellowed into weeks, coming up to her birthday week, right before Daisy would start school. She was confident and sure, having Hank there, knowing she could count on him. What they gave each other was always going to be their best.

