Page 11 of One Night Stand

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Before I was fully sated, Conor lowered us more gently than I would have guessed he was capable of until my stomach was back to the mattress. My legs straightened and before I could revel in the feel of his weight on my back, Conor pulled out of me and stood from his bed.

“Damn. I may just keep you around for a repeat after my cock is rested.” He chuckled to himself and I rolled to my back in time to see him frown, moving his hands to roll the condom off his softening dick. “The condom broke. Probably because you were so fucking tight. You’re on the pill, right?” He didn’t sound anxious. “I’m clean. Get tested regularly. You clean, Curly?” He moved to the bathroom, leaving me alone in his room, in the middle of his huge bed.

Those were not words a girl wanted to hear when she wasn’t on the pill. Especially when said so nonchalantly.

My doctor put me on a number of birth control pills in my teens to help with hormone regulation due to my period being incredibly irregular, but they all made me severely depressed. I stopped trying to find one that worked. By twenty-two, my hormones finally settled but my period stayed regularly irregular.

“Um.” I could tell him no, I wasn’t o birth control. I’m sure this wasn’t his first rodeo with a broken condom, not with how easily he announced it. Or I could just tell him yes and be sure to go to the doctor right away in the morning.

If I had had time to plan this night with Conor, I would have made an appointment with my doctor prior to the planned night, but that hadn’t been in the cards.

I sat up then, pulling the cups of my bra up over my breasts and looking around for the rest of my clothing, suddenly feeling very dirty. My bra hadn’t even been off!

I heard a toilet flush and Conor walked back into the room. “You didn’t answer me, Curly.”

“Um, yeah. I am.” I shook my head and forced a grin on my face, looking around until I spotted my underwear. Good God, I wore those today?

My face slightly red, I stood and reached for them. I pulled the plain cotton on as Conor grabbed a clean pair of boxers from one of his dressers. He turned toward me as he stepped into the fabric and I risked looking at his penis, curious what it looked like flaccid.

He wasn’t nearly as long, but he was still pretty thick. It was impressive, really.

I grabbed my shirt and slipped it on over my head before finding my jeans. This whole getting dressed immediately after sex was awkward. It wasn’t something I wanted to do ever again.

Conor came over to the bed as I was hopping into my jeans and I noticed another frown marring his face.

“What the fuck?” It came out as a surprised whisper, his brows drawn in as he stared at the bed.

I looked behind me and bit my lip.

So much for that theory.
