Page 14 of One Night Stand

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Chapter Five


“Getyour fucking phone out of the ice chest, Rory.”

Rory and I were getting the bar ready for the day. It was all of ten on a Sunday morning but with a noon baseball game, we were bound to start getting busy the moment we opened the doors at eleven.

“Dude, yesterday there was a Articuno in here.”

I frowned at my kid brother. “A arti-what?”

“Articuno. You know, Pokémon Go?” Rory closed the ice chest and scanned his phone around the bar and into one of the fridges.

“You are fucking twenty-nine years old, Rory. Pokémon is for ten year olds.”

Rory shook his head, his longer wavy hair shaking with the movement. “No. Definitely more adults playing. It’s like a flashback from childhood.” Still, Rory didn’t look away from his phone.

I walked over to him and snatched the device from him. “Well right now we need to get the bar ready, so catch your Pikachu on your own fucking time.”

Rory grabbed for his phone but I did the dick move and put it down the front of my pants.

“Fuck, Con! Shit, that’s nasty.” Rory’s face was contorted and I couldn’t help but laugh as I went back to my earlier task. “You owe me a new phone, fucker.”

“I didn’t put it down my boxers. Relax, man.” I shook my head, grinning. I was stacking glasses when Brenna came barreling into the bar from the swinging kitchen door.

“Oh my God, you’ll never guess who I ran into last night!”

I looked over my shoulder at my twenty-five year old baby sister. Her black hair matched my own, but had the same waves Rory’s did, although hers was much longer.

“Oh, please do tell,” I said dryly. Whether Rory or I wanted to hear, Brenna would tell. She probably ran into one of her ex’s that was a douche, that Rory or I took care of. Something or someone like that.

“Mia Hampton.”

I moved to grab another pallet of glasses and glanced at Brenna. “Mia Hampton?” Remembering the phone in my pants, I took it out and put it in my back pocket. Brenna caught the act and frowned a moment before continuing her story.

“You know. Curly Mia from elementary school? My best friend up until the fifth grade? She spent every freaking day at our house.”

Rory chuckled. “Oh yeah. Fat Mia.”

“Rory!” Brenna’s brows were raised. “She wasn’t fat. Don’t be a dick.”

“She was kind of pudgy,” I said under my breath, remembering the round girl with the unkempt hair.

“You two are asses.” Brenna crossed her arms. “Anyway, I saw her at the mall. Get this. Coming out of a maternity store.” I fought from rolling my eyes. Didn’t she have girlfriends she could talk to about this? “She’s gotta be like…six months pregnant. I asked about her husband and she doesn’t have one. Said the baby was an accident but she looked so happy. God! Remember how everyone thought I was the bad egg between the two of us? Shit. Who’d have thought she’d get knocked up on accident…before I did.” Brenna stumbled on the last of her words and while that was concerning, I didn’t question it.

“Great?” I didn’t really care who was pregnant or that pudgy Mia from fifteen years ago was without a man and with a child. I wasn’t about to call Brenna out on spreading stories though. She knew what harm could come from them and I didn’t really want to see her bright eyes dim at the reminder.

“Anyway, I invited her out to dinner tonight.”

I paused and looked at her. “Tonight’s your birthday dinner.”

She nodded, grinning.

I scratched above my eyebrow, slightly exasperated with her. “Why would you invite her to a dinner you were having with your brothers? Go do lunch with her instead. It’s not like you work here.”

“I do too work here, asshole.” Brenna uncrossed her arms. “She just looked kind of lonely. Happy, yeah, but lonely, and I thought it would be nice for her to meet up with everyone again.”

I shook my head. My sister was so softhearted sometimes.
