Page 30 of One Night Stand

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“Talk to me,” he pressed. He flipped onto his back, pulling me on top of him. I had to press up on my forearms to be comfortable, baby belly and all, but my body was still spasming and the act took more energy than I had in me.

“Give me something, Mia.” His cock was still sliding in and out of me, slowly as if he was having a hard time pushing his girth through the pulsing muscles.

Without thinking, I said the first word that came to mind. “Fuck.” But the word wasn’t as nice and quick and easy as one would think a one syllable word to be. Oh no. I drew that damn word out for a good five seconds, which earned me a chuckle from the man below.

My body was finally slowing off its ebb, just enough that I could glare down at him for laughing at me, but he took no mind to the look.

Nope, if anything, he sensed the energy was well and gone from me and he sat up straight, hugging me close, his knees bent, and began mercilessly pounding up into me, finding his own release. I wrapped my arms tight around his neck, holding him as close as I could, as he pushed his forehead down into my shoulder.


I have to say, his was a bit more exciting than mine was, all loud and full of passion. Who knew Conor had it in him? His body pulled tight, straining under and around me, and I could feel every muscle in his upper back as his cock jerked inside me, leaving behind warm wetness. It was something I hadn’t felt the first time we were together, regardless of the broken condom. It was…


We stayed locked around one another for a number of minutes, as my breath finally calmed down and his body started to do the same.

Conor finally lifted his head and looked at me, his blue eyes set and determined, but with a warmth I wasn’t prepared for. “You ok?”

I nodded.

“The baby ok?”

I couldn’t help but grin. “You can’t hurt the baby with sex, Conor.”

“Well, I know, but…” Holy hell, Conor had a bashful side. I could see a slight blush rise behind his bearded cheeks. I grabbed said cheeks and brought his forehead to my smiling lips, pressing a kiss there, before pushing against his shoulders to try and stand.

I pushed myself up, biting on my lip when his cock dislodged from me, and stood in front of him. Belatedly I realized where his face would be when I did so, and before I could try to walk off the edge of the bed, Conor’s hands were at my ass, pulling me close to his mouth.

“Conor, no!” I put my hands on his head. “It’s…messy.”

“Fuck messy,” he murmured against my mound. Before I knew it, his tongue was between my pussy lips, lapping up the both of us. I had to brace my hands on the wall behind the bed to keep from falling.

I mentioned it before that I was a sexual being, even if I hadn’t had sex, but these pregnancy hormones were no joke. Before long, I was coming against his face. “Jesus, Conor,” I said around a quiet moan.

“You’re getting better,” he chuckled against me.

I frowned and stepped back, almost falling and having to brace myself with a hand on his head. “Excuse me?” I was getting better? Was that some offhanded remark about my inexperience? Where the fuck was he going with that comment? Was he fucking kidding me?

And then he had the gall to fucking laugh at me! And slap my ass?

Fucking jerk.

I stomped off the bed, as gingerly as I could without falling on my ass and making more of a show than I intended, and headed toward the bathroom. My small apartment didn’t have the luxury of a bathroom attached to the bedroom. I had to stomp naked through my apartment to get to the bathroom at the front of the space.

“Mia!” Conor yelled after me, but I kept going.

And shit, cue the water works.

God fucking damn, the hormones!

“Mia. Mia, baby girl. Stop. Stop, Mia!” His voice was drawing near. Not hard to do. It wasn’t as if there was a ton of square footage between the bed and the bathroom. He reached for my arm and I swung around on him so fast, he probably thought he was seeing the Exorcist.

“You’re a jerk, Conor O’Gallagher! I don’t know why I agreed to give you a chance.” I brought my free hand up to my face. “I’m so fucking stupid!”

Conor was fucking laughing again as he brought me in for a hug. I was confused and pissed, and my nose was pressed against his chest and fuck him for still smelling good, even with the lingering scent of sex between us.

“You’re misreading the situation, Mia.” The smile was evident in his voice, the bastard. “I meant you were getting better at vocalizing.” He drew the word out and it kind of made me feel, well, stupid.

“Oh.” I dipped my chin down and Conor took the opportunity to press his lips to the back of my head.

“Why don’t you clean up,” he said against my head, “and then we’ll continue to talk, kay?”

I nodded and finally moved my head so I could look at him again. “Ok.”

He had the audacity to grin at me again, the crinkles beside his eyes deepening. I merely lifted my brows and pointed at him before turning and finishing the few steps to the bathroom, closing myself in the room, locking Conor out.

And then I grinned wide, my lower lip between my teeth, and refrained from doing a little dance with myself.
