Page 33 of One Night Stand

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She pouted and it was fucking adorable. “I don’t think you understand how pregnancy hormones work.”

“You’re all hot and bothered, yeah, I get that.” I reached forward to brush one of her tightening curls behind her ear. “But I want to do this right.”

“What’s the male version of a cock tease?”

Shaking my head, I turned on the couch, pulling Mia with me, so I could lay back. Mia’s ass stayed between my legs, snug up to my covered cock, and I pulled her down to lay on me. I wrapped my arms around her shoulders, holding her in place. “You’ll survive.”

Mia rotated her shoulders so she could rub herself against me. “But will you?”

“Barely,” I groaned.

She turned, much to my displeasure, and pulled herself up to her knees, propping her hands on my bare stomach. “I don’t want you to resent me, Conor.” The words were said softly.

I reached up for her face, pulling her back down, and spoke against her lips, before kissing her. “I don’t think I could, Mia.”
