Page 6 of One Night Stand

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I couldn’t help but want to take her hand, but that wasn’t me. What was that about? So instead, I walked ahead of her. “Follow me then, Curly.”


I nibbled on my lower lip as I walked just behind him.

Fuck, I was nervous.

The entire time between now and when he had left me at the table with just a bottle of water, I thought about what would be happening tonight.

I wasn’t a stranger to sex, per se. I had toys. I knew my body and was comfortable with it. Sure I was a little on the bigger side; my yearly biometric screening labeled me as “over-weight” even though I was about twenty-three percent body fat. I spent many years as a child battling my weight and finally as an adult, found a way to shed most of it. These days, I had muscle and was toned, but the pudge in my tummy and the extra under my chin when I tilted my head down… they bothered me.

But I fought hard for my body and I was fucking proud of it.

So yes, I was comfortable with my body and knew what got me off. At least, what got me off by my own hands.

I had vibrators, dildos, and this fancy little toy that sucked and pulsed around my clit. But the actual penetration from a real, live penis was what was new to me, and I couldn’t help but be a little fearful for it.

Tonight though… Tonight was my ultimate dream come true.

I followed behind Conor as he walked toward the other end of the bar, flipping off the last of the lights. He pushed through the kitchen swinging door, hardly even holding it for me but for the tips of his fingers as he continued on through the kitchen.

I slipped through before the door swung closed on my face.

He obviously didn’t bother with sweetness or gentlemanly acts. Was this all part of his show? To scare away the girl who wanted that sweet gentleman? He wasn’t going to scare me away though. Nope.

I quickened my step so I was closer to him, but only in fear that I would truly end up hit in the face by a door. At the end of the kitchen, he turned a corner and reached into a room to flip off the light. Before he pulled the door closed, I recognized the room as an office.

Still, I followed him until we reached the end of this back room. After locking one more door, he opened up the last of them and reached into the hall the door led to. He flipped on a light in the hall, revealing a staircase, before turning off the light to the room we just cleared.

Up the stairs we went, to what I assumed would be his apartment.

Great observation skills on my part, you know.

He opened the unlocked door at the top of the stairs. This time he waited for me. He stood against the open door, his back propping it open and his muscled forearms crossed over his chest.

“You change your mind yet, Curly Locks?” His eyes were challenging me.

I cleared the last of the steps and, chin held high, gave him a challenging look of my own. “Nope. No, I have not.”

I slipped into the dark apartment in front of him.
