Page 34 of Saving Grace

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If I didn’t hate the guy before, I definitely hated Jeremy now.

What the fuck kind of man acted like that when his girl was hurting?

An asshole. That was the kind.

I briefly wondered if he was giving Grace any sort of trouble now that they were no longer together. With his possessiveness the one and only time I met him, I would bet my paycheck that he was, but with how he reacted to her anxiety attack, I wasn’t so sure.

Shortly after Grace finished her story, we finished eating and she offered to clean up, allowing me to shower. Sydney was due back in another hour but I was hoping that maybe Grace would want to go out and do something with me.

Anything, just get out and be.

I showered quickly but thoughts of Jeremy and Grace kept circling in my head. There was no fucking way he was ok with them being broken up, not if Grace was the one to do the breaking.

I had to ask her about it.

That thought in mind, I stepped out of the shower and after drying, pulled on a pair of jeans and a tee, finger combing my hair as I made my way back downstairs. Grace was sitting on the couch, crossed-legged, her phone in her hands in her lap. With her head down, her long blonde hair obscured her face. She had taken down her bun while I was showering and now the long locks had crazy waves in them.

Did I go to sit beside her? Call her name?

Or do what I would have done last year upon seeing her?

Hell, all morning I had been making these choices. Hold her hand, or leave her be? Touch her knee, or keep on eating? Pull her close, or keep my distance?

And all morning, I chose to keep her close.

So why stop now?

So far, she hadn’t pushed me away.

I walked up behind her, behind the couch, and tugged on a lock of her hair before placing my hands on her shoulders, squeezing gently. She shut off her phone as her head tipped forward more.

Her shoulders were tense. The woman held on to her stress there. Knowing I could keep my hands on her forever but not quite sure that was an appropriate step—yet—I squeezed once more before walking around and plopped down beside her.

“You can say no,” I started, angling my body toward her but still keeping a respectable distance between us. “But I thought maybe you and I could go out and do something. Picnic or something.” It would also allow me to figure out how to ask her about Jeremy.

She lifted a brow. “We just ate.”

Ah, but she didn’t refute the doing something with me.

“So we do something beforehand.”

“What about Sydney?”

“We let her know we didn’t care for her ditching us, so we ditched her.” I gave Grace a cheeky grin.

Please say yes. Please say yes.

She shrugged a shoulder, nodding. “Ok. Yeah, sure. Let’s do it.”

Fuck yes.

Containing my smile, I stood and offered her hand. “Awesome. We can grab something from Panera.”

She laughed as she took my hand, standing. “You’re totally still hungry right now, aren’t you?”

For a sexy quiet blonde, absolutely. I was ravenous.
