Page 51 of Saving Grace

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I hadn’t seen Grace since right after being frisked away from the ambulance upon arrival at the hospital.

That was four days ago.

When I asked, Sydney just shook her head with a sad smile, saying Grace needed time.

Fuck that.

She had had five years’ worth of “time” and I wasn’t about to let some psycho-ex and a GSW pull her from me.

I should have been more adamant about my opinion of Jeremy when I first met him. Fuck, I should have decided Grace was more fucking important than staying in my home state, back when I first met her. San Diego had decent departments. I could easily find a position in one of their precincts and if not, I’d work the beat just to be able to be with Grace.

Besides, being shot when off the clock didn’t sit very well with the higher ups, especially when there were plenty of cases that could have used my attention this week. SLCPD wasn’t going to fire me, but this being laid up in a hospital in San Diego definitely didn’t do much for my file.

After some arguing on my part, I was going to be released from this place tomorrow, much to my sister’s displeasure. She was currently sitting on the chair next to my bed, one leg thrown over the other and her arms crossed over her chest. She looked pissed but so was I.

The woman I loved, the one I had wanted for years, was nowhere to be found and if what Sydney wasn’t saying was true, I probably had lost out on Grace for good.

Well fuck that shit.

I was getting out of here tomorrow, heading home, putting in my resignation, and begging Grace to love me, to keep me. I’d find a new department; it wasn’t like I was a bad detective. I had a number of cases under my belt and could easily find a new position somewhere. I’d enjoy being closer to Syd and her family, too. Bonus.

“Well don’t you two just look like a bunch of fucking roses,” Smith said, walking into the room. “I swear you two could be twins.”

Sydney said nothing, but she did kick out her top leg, setting it into a jerky swing.

“Don’t you have things to do at home?” I asked my eldest brother. “You know, like…work.”

“When you have accident prone siblings, that’s where your paid time off goes,” Smith answered, plopping down in the only other vacant chair in the room. Soon enough, our parents and other brother would likely storm the room but while I enjoyed seeing all of their faces, the face I wanted to see was nowhere to be found.

“I’m not accident prone.”

“You’ve been shot twice in the last five months,” he deadpanned, a brow raised.

Ignoring him, I countered, “Surely you can return to the classroom now that you know I’m fine.”

Smith shrugged. “I had time off piling up. I took next week off too.”

“You didn’t,” I groaned.

“No one said I had to spend the time with your ass.”

“You two are ridiculous,” Sydney finally offered the room. She pushed to a stand. “I’m going to make a phone call.”

“Grace?” I asked, my brows up and my excitement unable to be tampered down, which only caused Smith to chuckle under his breath.

“No. Not Grace,” Sydney said, a pissed off frown on her face. “My husband.”

Since Caleb came home from his road trip, he’d been at home with the kids so Sydney could sit vigil at my bedside, as if I needed her watching over me. She could have gone home at any time.

Just as she stepped out of the room, Smith opened his mouth to say something but the rest of the clan walked in.

“How are you feeling?” Dad asked, nodding toward my covered midsection.

“I’m fine. I just am ready to get out.”

You would think I had a major surgery, with everyone standing in this room. I was fine! It was a clean shot, nothing hit, nothing nicked. In and, well… not out, but it was an easy surgery.
