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Holy crap. What am I supposed to say to that? Nothing. There's absolutely nothing I can say, but tons that I need to.

"The first time I felt that hummingbird vibrate against my naked skin, you became mine, and there wasn't a fucking thing fake about it, Nicole."

My eyes widen. "What ... what are we ... Shane?"


"You told me you don't do relationships," I finally wheeze out.

One corner of his mouth tips, giving him a wolfish grin that makes my heart pound even quicker.

"Apparently, I can be wrong from time to time."

I pull myself from his hold and pace my tiny living room area. I look up, see him waiting patiently with that damn seductive grin, and narrow my eyes before looking down and quickening my steps. What the heck does that mean? He can be wrong? Does that mean that we are ... real? Just like that? After all his warnings that I shouldn't want more from him, he is giving it to me now?

"What changed?" I ask, stopping and shaking my head at him, unable to do anything else.

He grunts, raking his fingers through his hair. I study him, the disheveled appearance that I've never once seen, and another piece of the puzzle slides into place. He really was concerned--for me.

"Everything," he finally answers, closing the distance between us and taking my mouth

in a deep kiss.

Everything we aren't saying out loud is screamed with this kiss. My hands push between us and hold him close, giving just as good as he is. Our movements are fueled by desperation. Every worry I had before he got here falls from my body, his touch filling the painful holes that had been drilled into my mind earlier. The only thing that matters right now is the two of us.

"Mien," he says against my lips, panting just as hard as I am.

"What's that mean?"

"Mine," he answers without pause.

"Shane, I don't understand. What does this mean?"

His forehead presses against mine, eyes searching, while we continue to hold each other close.

"Earlier, when Nate called, I felt myself splinter, Nikki." He sighs. "There I was, not even sure what the fuck was happening, but knowing that you were upset, I was done for. All it took was two phone calls, and everything I thought I could keep in some neat little pretend box was blown to hell, and instead of the panic I normally would have felt jumping into a tornado of the unknown, I needed you in my arms more than any of that. There I was, the reins of control ripped from my hands, and for once in over thirty years, I didn't give a shit. I cared more about fixing whatever had hurt you than I did about myself."

"Shane," I utter, his words slamming into my heart irrefutably.

"Do you want me?" he questions, eyes searching. Exposed fully to me.

"You know I do, Shane."

"Then that's all that matters."

"Shane! How can you, Mr. I Don't Do Relationships, sit there and say us wanting each other is all that matters? Our chemistry, our want, has never been in question. This whole thing was built on us wanting each other."

His chest moves against mine as he takes a deep breath then lets it out slowly. "I'm not saying we have it all figured out, but until we do, there isn't any more fake discussing what we have. That, cherie, is all that matters."

"This is insane."

"No, it's just what was meant to be."

"Just like that?"

"No," he answers, earning a frown. He tips his head up and presses his lips softly against the skin between my brows. "Not just like that. I'm not saying we just pretend the reasons that we came together are fixed and gone--we both know it isn't that easy--but from this moment on, we explore us without the bullshit attached to it. When we go out, it's for us and not anyone else. I think we can both admit it's been like that from the get-go. We figure out the very real us without any rules."

"Real. No rules?" I muse, my heart racing. Is this for real?


"And what happens when the reasons that brought us together in the first place are finally gone?"

"Then there are two fewer people we have to waste our time thinking about."

I snort. "I don't know what to say, Shane. An hour ago, I was faced with the possibility of losing everything I had worked hard to achieve in my career. Now you're asking me to place the very raw feelings I'm left with into a real us without anything more than that? You made it clear from the beginning that this," I stress, pointing between us, "would never be more. How can you be so sure you want to change your mind now when you were just as sure five weeks ago that we would just be a ruse?"

"Because, Nikki, five weeks ago, I didn't know what I do now."

"And what's that?"

"What having you feels like."

"Now who's playing a dangerous game?" I breathe.

His face gets soft, not hiding the admiration in his gaze. "The best rewards come to those who are brave enough to pick up the dice and roll without knowing what they'll land on, mon colibri," he croons.

Knowing what that endearment means now brings a whole new level of hot damn to the things he says. He was hot when he whispered the French words only he knew the meaning of before, but now, he's downright lethal for my system after explaining them to me.

"Is this when you tell me not to fall in love with you?" I finally ask, trying to lighten the heaviness.

His eyes dance as his hands reach out to pull me closer, and then he throws my heart into overdrive. "No. This is when I tell you I'm going to make you do just that."

Well, holy heck batman.

It wasn't even eleven o'clock in the morning, and here I was answering the door for takeout and preparing to spend the day with my now very real boyfriend. My school clothes from earlier had long since been pulled with care from my body, joining the sweats and faded tee shirt that Shane had on when he got here earlier. My mind still swirling from his revelations about us and what that meant for the future. After basically telling me he would make me fall in love with him, he spent the next two hours showing me a tender side to his lovemaking--no doubt, he was still very much in control of every minute that made up those two hours, but something was different this time--something real.

"Your phone's going off again."

I jump, swirl around, and hold the Chinese food bag to my chest. "You need a bell!"

He chuckles, the deep tones not rusty like they had been the first time he was here all those weeks ago.
