Page 14 of Homewrecker

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I squeeze my hands into tighter fists, refraining from rubbing them carefully over the starting-to-show belly.

Let me tell you how hard it is to accept that you’re pregnant, when you “carrying in your back”. At thirty-weeks, I’ve only just started to show.

But right now?

Right now, I’m thankful for that.

I can hide behind a hoodie.

Cade will never have to know.

I can hopefully keep my secret a little bit longer…

Cade appears to finish his phone call and I see him put his phone in his pants.


In his pants.

I find myself smiling again at the ridiculousness, and this time, I allow myself the small joy.

He then takes his sunglasses off his face, hooking them in the back of his shirt.

He is such a guy’s guy.

Nothing about him says “Hollywood Heartthrob” right now, although I wouldn’t be surprised to see this little show he’s doing, the phone and sunglasses thing, with the overgrown hair and down-and-dirty clothing, only making women want him more.

It’s really not a bad look on him.

My feet are firmly planted in my spot, even though I see him making his way toward the front door.

Maybe if I don’t answer…


He was able to get past the gates.

There’s no way a locked front door will keep him out.

Better now than later.

If I can get him on his way…

With a sigh, I step away from the window.
