Page 32 of Homewrecker

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God, I hope that’s the case.

So, needless to say, Cade has been on my mind since his name popped up yesterday.

Over and over throughout the night, Cade standing in the kitchen replayed in my mind.

Him so near.

His eyes.

His nose.

That damn freckle.

Then there was his voice.

The way he smelled.

The way his eyes roamed over me.

And this morning, I woke up aching.


Unexpected feelings for a man I’d just met, so soon after the decision I was done with men, at least for the foreseeable future.

If I were a different version of me, if I were in a different place in my life, I could see myself mustering up the courage to ask Charleigh about her handsome friend.

See if we could be at the same place, at the same time.

But I’m not a different version of me.

I am in my current place.

I’m pregnant with my previous co-star’s baby.

And because I can’t remember the night it happened, I fear that I am the homewrecker the world painted me to be. Maybe alcohol made me a crazy person. Maybe I forced myself on Grant.

Maybe, maybe, maybe.

All the different scenarios, they don’t leave me alone.

But it’s because I can’t remember that I fear I’ve become a statistic.

I’m a woman who was taken advantage of.

My lawyer suggested telling Grant; have him help pay for my pregnancy expenses.

Just what I would need: the world knowing that my supposed affair with him resulted in a baby. I can imagine the headlines, and in my current mental state, I decided that him not finding out yet was the best action.

Likely the wrong one, but it’s the angle I decided on.

I watch my midwife leave after she gives me this week’s set of instructions, and I’m at once grateful to have her. Ellie White helped me find her. She’s professional and discreet.

And kind.

She’s very kind.
