Page 36 of Homewrecker

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I can’t remember the last time a girl so easily weakened me in this way.

I may not know her well, but Charleigh does.

Then I think of her sad eyes.

Her fierce determination.

Her Instagram post.

Even if I don’t know her, I want to.


“You left your number on the fridge,” Dylan starts saying and I have a feeling she’s feeling just as out of sorts as I am.

Can’t have that.

“Yeah, yeah. That’s cool. Absolutely. I just didn’t think it was appropriate to ask Charleigh for your number. Not after she was reaming me out,” I try to joke.

“I’m so sorry about that. She called me after and told me. I guess, yeah, I was worried, but then I realized I shouldn’t be, and…” Her sigh travels through the phone waves. “I guess I don’t trust people right now.”

“I can understand that.” I nod a few times before adding, “Well, based on things I’ve gathered. Charleigh hasn’t told me anything. Much. Really, nothing.” Really fucking this up, Cade. “Just that you hadn’t wanted Grant to know. I don’t… I mean, if you… I guess what I’m saying is I don’t care. But if you wanted to talk to someone who isn’t Charleigh, I’d be willing to listen.”

Her laughter is nervous, but her voice is sure. “Be careful what you ask for. You’d be in over your head.”

“Maybe that’s not a bad place to be.” We’re both quiet at that and I feel that maybe I came on too strong anyway.

You know, in my ten words to the woman.

“Anyway,” I say, at the same time she says, “Okay, so…”

She laughs lightly again, and I take that as my cue to continue.

“Charleigh mentioned you’re further along than I thought. I assumed differently. Obviously, you can’t do a movie when you’re going to have a kid in like…what? Four weeks?”

“More like ten. I hope. But I wasn’t lying when I said I’m done acting. I just…” Her voice goes soft again, and when it’s clear she’s not going to finish her thought, I jump in.

“If you don’t want to tell me, that’s cool, I get it but… Why are you letting him have such a hold over you? I’m assuming it was a mistake, right? I mean, this is a complete judgement call, based on what little Char’s said and the short amount of time I’ve known you.”

“Yeah, I don’t…” she starts, but doesn’t finish, and I don’t press.

“Do you have, I don’t know, maybe plans for the weekend? You doing anything? Is Charleigh going to come up and keep you company?”

“No, she has some engagement with her parents in New Orleans this weekend. She was hoping to be in and out, but I think her dad scheduled press things for her on Sunday, so she’ll be stuck.”

I take three seconds to decide on whether or not my next question is appropriate.

And I decide…

What the hell.

“Would you want company? I have weekends off and wouldn’t mind getting out of Vancouver.”

She laughs again and this time it’s more of a “yeah, right, you’re kidding,” laugh, but when I don’t say anything else, she stops abruptly. “You’re serious?”

Two seconds this time, and I decide I’m dead serious. “Yeah. I’m serious.” Even though this fancy suite is in my view, and I can see my reflection in the mirror, I’m not really seeing my surroundings.
