Page 46 of Homewrecker

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I can almost feel what it would be like, to be with Cade.

I tell myself that the reason why I’m suddenly interested in him is simply because he’s the first guy I’ve spent longer than ten minutes with, in the last six months.

That has to be it.

It has nothing to do with his handsome face.

His kind smile.

His ability to listen.

Not judge.

Because I honestly don’t think he’s judged me once today.

With my finger holding my place, I close the magazine and look out over the patio and to the lake. I’m not really seeing the lake; my mind is on Cade.

And yeah, it’s imagining what he’s packing below the belt.

Which leads to not-so-PG thoughts of what he can likely do with it.

The girly part of my brain imagines he’s a hand holder. A neck kisser. I imagine him being a slow lover, and I find myself wanting to know what it would be like to just be in his arms.

PG or not.

I’m not sure how long I sit there, staring out into nothing, but eventually the sun begins to set and I’m getting chilled. It probably hasn’t been longer than twenty minutes but unless I go inside to throw on a sweatshirt, I’m going to be too cold to move soon.

I roll the magazine in half and hit it against my leg before standing.

I think I’m going to go watch a movie…

Not wanting to change my mind, I head inside and drop the magazine off on the kitchen counter. My guess is, Cade is in the home theater downstairs, but I check the living room first.

Not there.

I make my way to the open staircase that leads to the lower level and, cautiously, I make my way down the dimmed stairwell. I can’t hear the movie, exactly, but the base of the surround sound can be heard.

As I step into the room, I introduce myself.

This room isn’t like a traditional movie room.

There are no individual seats; it’s just a giant pit of cushions and pillows. It’s very…


And not really a place for two not-really-friends to hang out.

Cade reaches to his side and then points the remote to the projector behind him. “Hey. You wanna join?”

I look from him to the screen, seeing Chris Hemsworth in all of his fine Australia glory.

“12 Strong,” Cade says. “Have you seen it?”

I shake my head, only to realize he may not be able to see the action well. The only light is coming from the screen. “No, I haven’t. Wanted to but didn’t get to it.”

“Well, come on in. Have a seat.”
