Page 56 of Homewrecker

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Chapter Seventeen


I toss and turn, unable to sleep, for two hours before I give up on finding sleep.

I can’t stop thinking about Cade.

About him showing up in the middle of the week.

His words.

The outline of his cock against my back…

Yeah, that was the thought that had me most on edge.

So on edge, that I was wet between my legs and wasn’t that a stupid thing to happen when you didn’t have a guy to help you with it.

Cade would help you with it.

Of that, I had no doubt.

But I do doubt that I’m in the right mindset for a sexual relationship. It doesn’t matter that I’m comfortable with Cade—after so few moments, too.

Men often wear different colors when trying to pursue a woman that they want but…

But, in my bones, I feel like Cade is different.

That he isn’t lying.

That he means every word he says.

It’s that feeling that has me talking myself up, gathering courage, to walk the second story, looking for Cade. When I don’t find him in any of the bedrooms, I quietly make my way downstairs, then down the second flight of stairs, heading toward the theater.

The room is dark, but after standing in the doorway, allowing my eyes to adjust, I see his form in the middle of the pit.

“Cade?” I whisper, but he doesn’t stir.


I debate leaving him but heck, I made it all the way down here…

“Cade,” I call his name a little louder this time, and he rolls, a groan coming from him.

Knowing I won’t be startling him, I walk inside quietly before carefully making my way across the padded pit. “It’s Dylan.” Duh. Of course, it’s Dylan.

He grumbles, and I think that he’s probably still sleeping, but he holds an arm straight up in the air and mumbles, “C’mere.”

My fight-or-flight kicks in, and I almost decide to leave but…


I make my way toward him and kneel, before laying on my left side. Cade immediately wraps me in his arms, spooning me from behind.


“Talk in the morning,” he mumbles against the back of my head.

But I want to talk now.
