Page 69 of Homewrecker

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I can’t wait to watch the world realize they fucked up by painting her with the wrong red brush.

We make love again.

And again.

Too soon though, it’s time for me to leave.

Dylan walked with me to my truck and she hugs me hard now, right before I open the door.

I take her face in my hands and bring her face to tip upward. “I probably won’t make it back down next weekend but if you need me, if you need me for anything, let me know. Please.”

She nods in my hands but says nothing.

“I will call you every night and every morning,” I promise, to which she shakes her head.

“You don’t have to. You’re busy.”

“I made a mistake last time, Dylan. I made you think that I wasn’t thinking about you; when that’s the furthest thing from the truth. I will call you in the morning and then before I head to bed. Okay?”

She nods again and as badly as I want to make the moment stretch out longer, I know I have to head to the airport or I’ll never make my flight. LAX can be a hell of an airport to get through, and I’ve already chosen to shave off as much time as I can without really cutting it down to the wire.

I kiss her, ending it before I really want to, then watch as she steps aside so I can climb up into my truck.

God, I don’t want to go.

She waves as I pull out of my spot and I make the decision I’d been playing with before.

We make it through this, we continue this thing…

And I may just give up acting for good.
