Page 22 of From the Beginning

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Chapter Ten


I could laughabout it now, but those seven words sent me on a course I hadn’t been expecting. As karma and laws would have it, Ryleigh overheard.

My Ryleigh…

She’d had a temper, I thought with a sad smile.

She seemed so put together all the time, but when she was hurt? You knew it.

Much like our kids.

Avery, with her pushing CJ away.

Porter with… The laugh was past my lips before I could stop it; it was the first laugh I’d had in twelve days. Porter was Ryleigh’s temper all the time.

Mykaela, Caleb, and McKenna had more my personality, but then there was Jonny.

He had Ryleigh’s quietness, but you could always tell there was more passion lurking underneath.

God, I wished my boy happiness.

And fuck, I wish his mom would be there to see it. She’d always been worried the most about Jonny, and more than because he was one of our middle kids. Jonny held things to his chest; he didn’t share when he was sad or hurt, and he often hid it with a smile.

Just like his mom would when he couldn’t make it home for holidays.

My eyes burned into the cold air again and I didn’t bother pushing the tears back.

Fuck, I was going to miss her.

After Ryleigh left me the night of the end-of-season banquet, I fought like hell to get her back.

It hadn’t been easy.
