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“Such a gentleman,” she snickers.

“I was raised right,” I say, and she beams at me.

“You’re going to be a good man someday,” she says.

I hope so. I have a lot of things I wanna do when I am able to, and I added one more thing to that list—I need to find Lennon and beat his ass.

Lennon: Age 23

I told Kingston my whole story, All of it, including about Briar and Thorn, though I changed their names for safety reasons. I don’t know who I can trust just yet. I also changed my name because I know my dad is coming for me and before that showdown, I need to be ready. I just go by Lane now. It’s close enough to my real name but gives me a chance at a new identity, a chance to do everything different.

He put me up in his sister’s home. I help out, take care of the kids, fuck her. She’s married, and if her husband or Kingston found out, I’d be dead. But I have needs, and she’s a minx in bed. The only thing I can think of when I’m fucking Embry is Briar. I remember our time together and I always smile, though Embry thinks I’m smiling at her. Thinking about Briar is the only way I can get off, even if Embry is an easy fuck.

For two years, I’ve worked my ass off at the gym. King entered me into amateur fights, and I won every time. I even do some underground, no-holds-barred fighting as well. It’s a nice outlet to just fight with no rules. I still have a lot of anger pent up inside and letting loose with no rules is a way for me to get it out.

Tonight is my first pro fight, the start to becoming a champion. I’m bouncing in my seat as we pull up to the arena.

“You excited?” Tristan, Kingston’s cornerman, asks from the back seat.

He’s grinning because he knows I’m on cloud nine with happiness right now. This is my moment.

“Understatement,” I grunt, and everyone chuckles.

“You’re ready,” King says as we get out and file into check-in.

After that, I head to where I’ll change and let Kingston give me instructions. I tune him out. I know it’s a dick thing to do, but I think by now I don’t need him.

Maybe I do. I should be thankful for him taking me in. At the same time, I’m angry. I need to find Briar and Thorn. I should have gone back for them. I wonder if they’re still at home or if they got away. I hope they did. I hope that Briar and Thorn could get away, far away from their wretched parents.

I can’t think of anything else right now but this fight. Thoughts of Briar will have to wait. I know I’m a dick. I have every right to be.

“Let’s do this,” I say as I let them wrap my hands and put on my gloves.
