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“You ready, man?” My friend and coach, Kingston asks from the locker room doorway.

“Yeah,” I nod.

“You’re going to kick ass,” he snorts.

“I always do,” I grin as I pick up my gloves.

“Lots of people out there tonight.” He waves his hand toward the door, I can hear all the cheers and jeers, almost feel it.

“The more the merrier,” I shrug.

I can hear them chanting my name. I’m number one in the underground and for good reason. I’m ruthless. I walk to the cage with a smirk on my face. My opponent, a kid, looks petrified. Good. He should be. I’m not called Savage for nothing.

“Ladies and gents, we have ourselves a fight. In blue we have Thorn ‘The Newbie,’ Priestley,” the announcer has to yell over the crowd yelling for the fight to start.

Some scream for the new kid. I would wonder how he got this fight and how he already has fans, but he doesn’t. They’re not fans, they’re out for blood. His, to be exact.

“And in black, we have Lane ‘Savage’ Gage.”

I want to cringe when I hear my fake name, but I don’t. It’s grown on me somewhat. I did that for safety reasons. I don’t want Kingston knowing all my secrets.

The crowd erupts and it’s deafening, but I tune out the crowd and tune into my opponent.

“Betting is now closed,” the bookie yells.

Why would a good kid like Thorn want to be in the underground world? I’ve been in the cage most of my life, once my dad kicked me out on the street. And that was because I kicked his ass one day, I fought back. I left and left behind two people that meant something to me. Thorn is an unusual name and I study him for a minute. I don’t see any resemblance to my Thorn, my little dude, the brother to the love of my life.

Thorn and Briar were my family, more than friends to me. Kingston is my only friend, I’m a hard person to take, living on the street will do that to you. The shit my father put me through did that to me.

“Kid, this isn’t the place for you,” I step close enough for him to hear me.

“Are you scared, old man?” he taunts.

“Old man?” Do you know who I am?” I growl, towering over him.

He gulps, swallowing hard.

“In case you didn’t hear, my name is Savage. And it’s your death wish,” I hiss.

The bell rings, signaling the start. I move around the cage, studying Thorn. He’s scared now, it’s finally sunk in about where he is and what’s about to happen. I see him drop his hands, rookie move, and I take my chance. I strike. My fist connects with Thorn’s jaw. It’s loud in here, but I swear I heard it crack.

Thorn falls to the ground and taps out, signaling the end of the match. The announcer grabs my hand and raises it in the air.

I look over at King who is grinning ear to ear.

I yank my hand out of the announcer’s grip and walk over to the kid, kneeling in front of him.

“You can’t drop your hands,” I help him up.

“I realize that,” he rubs his jaw. He can talk so it’s not broken.

“You’ll live,” I observe the bruise on his jaw,” but really this isn’t the place for you. This is no holds barred, no rules fighting,” I tell him.

I kind of feel the protectiveness come out of me, to protect this kid. No idea where that came from.

“Thanks, Lane, but I really need this,” he says.
