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“I like you, you got sass,” he sits back in his seat and grins.

“Anything else?” I want to get away from the table.

“You can leave now,” Lane waves me off, not even looking at me.

Wow, rude much? Who does he think he is?

I walk back to the bar to check on Thorn.

“Wow, that guy over there is an asshole,” I grumble. Thorn’s eyes widen because I hardly cuss.

“What guy?” He looks around the diner. The booth in question is hidden from view from where he sits.

“My last table, in the back,” I point toward the back.

He gets up and peaks his head around the corner to see who I’m talking about.

“That’s Lane and Kingston. King is my new coach. Lane is okay, kind of angry. He’s the best in the business right now,” he says.

“He’s a fighter? He’s the one that did that?” I ask.

“Yeah,” he nods.

“Figures. Don’t turn into him, please. Don’t become angry and hurtful,” I beg him.

“I won’t. I promise,” he replies.

I’ve been looking after my brother since I was little. At eighteen I packed a bag and ran away from home, taking Thorn with me. I had to get away. Thorn knows why and he’s glad we did. I made him finish school since I never had the chance. That required me to get fake names so we weren’t tracked. I don’t think we are in danger of being tracked now, our parents could care less, which is why we use our real names now, except on paper. I’ve worked myself to the bone to make sure he is well taken care of. He’s told me before that someday he will pay me back for everything, even though he doesn’t have to. I’ve never complained about taking care of him and when I do complain, it’s about crappy customers and he just lets me vent.

“Ugh, I have to go give them the check. I’ll be right back,” I say with a grimace.

“Let me,” he holds his hand out for the check. I just stare at him for a minute.

“I know what you’re thinking and yes, I understand I don’t work here, but let me save you the trouble,” he says and I nod.

“If they leave a tip. It’s mine,” I sigh and hand it over to him.

“I know, Sis,” he takes the check from me and disappears around the corner.

I follow and watch him interact with the men for a minute, before busying myself with wiping down the counter, waiting for him to come back.

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